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Chris Ryall's blog shows off 2 Nick Roche variant Revelation covers

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Jason at 2008-03-13 5:58 pm

Check out Chis Ryall's blog to see two of Nick Roche's variant covers for the Revelation spotlight issues: CYCLONUS and HARDHEAD. Pretty awesome covers; can't wait to see the insides.

transformersloversurivie said,  - 2008-03-13 18:25:23
hardhead doesnt look like a headmaster and CYCLONUS looks ugly
KilledbyDeath said,  - 2008-03-13 18:42:14
Autobutt said,  - 2008-03-13 19:14:33
here we go again...
Sabrblade said,  - 2008-03-13 19:19:37
They both look so strange.
Jason said,  - 2008-03-14 00:22:22
Wow, that's interesting feedback. I'd have to disagree. I think that both covers look totally cool. To each their own I guess.
Autobutt said,  - 2008-03-14 15:21:49
wat i meant by "here we go again" is jus that here comes another tf movie of animated.everyone insults and refuses it in the beginning but look at how they turned out.
Jumpercliff said,  - 2008-03-15 16:39:07
Well, I can't wait to see IDW's take on Galvatron's lieutenant and Hardhead.

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