Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site

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Posted by:
Perceptor at 2004-01-10 7:00 pm   (site update)
Been working on this awhile. Sorry it has taken so long since our last significant update! Many, many more to come...! Okay, so the 2004 TF section is not up and running, but all new, far-from-completed, character pages can be viewed w/ some high rez pix of Energon Perceptor, Cruellock, Scorponok, and Tidal Wave! Holy wow what an exciting new line. I can't wait to see these new shows and comics. Enjoy your weekend everyone.
BTW, I would like to thank all of you for the great sightings and reviews postings! I've really enjoyed them and has kept our site great fun to visit even when we take a few 'weeks off' with a busy holiday season/vacation... Keep up the great work and thanks.

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