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Anonymous at 2004-01-18 2:33 pm
Some of you might remember the group "N.R.G." who performed "Instruments of Destruction" a great song in TF:The Movie. A few years ago, I met one of the band members from the group. I asked if the band was still together. He said, "no" and explained that the band broke up just before the movie was released! I asked him what the name of the band stood for, and he replied, "Not Real Good! ha ha ha!" Then he said, "just kidding!" To this day I don't know if he really was kidding or not! :)
Anyway, they sent me an e-mail awhile ago, promoing a new albumn. Damn Cheetah / P R I M A L autographed by Les Brown, formerly of NRG... If any of you visit the link and buy the disk, let me know if it's any good and worth picking up!

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