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Isabel Lucas Interview

Posted by:
Perceptor at 2009-06-16 2:07 pm
She's hot, humble, well spoken AND has a really cool last name!  Check out her interview (by a complete dork, which despite his antics) is worth listening to just to hear all that she has to say!

Sabrblade said,  - 2009-06-16 14:29:04
Darn, not a single spoiler (learning to run in stilettos does not count).

LOL! at most of this though! Very funny indeed! "Go by a new dress and then meet me in my car. You got the job!" XD

It was all funny until the overused "More than meets the eye" line was said.

They're right, that pci at the end is very odd (and funny!).
Lord Megatron said,  - 2009-06-16 16:36:28
HA! That was grand!
Jumpercliff said,  - 2009-06-16 17:44:44
She looks like a nice gal. Maybe she could be one of the few who rise above the madness of stardom to live both a Hollywood and a normal life.
Bellprime said,  - 2009-06-16 22:19:05
"Bob's Your Uncle" is my favorite Australian saying, too. Along with "Crikey" and "Fair Dinkum"

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