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Transformers Movie on Cable Pay-Per-View

Posted by:
Perceptor at 2007-06-24 10:58 am
According to a report on uberpulse,  "...for the first time in Hollywood's history, a local studio, namely Paramount, will release next month's live-action Transformers movie, on cable pay-per-view, the same day it premieres in US theatres, on July 3rd..." for $49.

This is, for now unconfirmed rumor, but thanks to Humanerror for the news tip!

Blasten Blaster said,  - 2007-06-24 14:24:35
I think thats a lie. I mean Star Wars Episode III has always been bigger than Transformers and if Star Wars wasn't sold on pay-per-view no way Transformers will be.

For the record I like Transformers a buhmillion times more.
Master Dex said,  - 2007-06-24 15:27:33
Well, the report did say it would be the first time in Hollywood history Blaster... but I too have my doubts.

Either way, having the DVD would be better, so waiting for that is no big deal. Besides, $50 for a pay-per-view movie? Sounds a bit extreme.
Blasten Blaster said,  - 2007-06-24 16:26:25
ya well IDC even if it's the truth I'm still seeing it on the big screen no matter what.
Ty said,  - 2007-07-20 10:47:18
HOLY #*%@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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