Lukis Bros Transformers Collector Site

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Posted by:
Jason at 2010-03-04 9:11 pm   (site update)
For ages here at, we've offered news streaming using an RSS feed, but if you're anything like most people I know, you get your news from one of a variety of Social Networking sites. You may have noticed, not only our new War for Cybertron site background in the last week, but the added Facebook, Twitter, and RSS buttons! Time to get out there and friend the destroyer of worlds, because Unicron is now on the loose on Faceboo k and Twitter. Don't forget to become an official fan of to keep up on all the upcoming Transformers news with out ever leaving your favorite Social Network site!

Perceptor said,  - 2010-03-04 21:16:32
Awesome, love it bro. Nice work!
DocWho said,  - 2010-03-05 07:05:45
Awesome job with the RSS feed man, saves us all the time of updating the various pages.
Searchlight said,  - 2010-03-05 16:15:42
Sounds good. Looking forward to it. Also, in unrelated news, has anyone else seen the new Allspark Almanac 2 cover?

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