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Posted by:
Perceptor at 2005-03-17 8:54 am   (site update)
* Thanks to Niels P for providing some interesting info on the "Sweeps" of TFTM and their historical reference from which they were named. You'll find it in the updated character page for G1 Scourge.
* Also thanks to Mkbauch for some interesting trivia about Prowl and some speculation about the origin on his name. You'll find it at the bottom of his updated G1 character page.
* Also, new "character pages" for each of the 2003 TF: Universe are now linked to in the 2003 section: Reptilion, Silverbolt, Snarl, Optimus Primal, Razor Claw. Nothing too exciting here, we're simply mirroring images from the official TF site. Figured this might be a good idea before they potentially get removed with this forthcoming site revamp we're expecting on

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