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IDW previews!

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Jason at 2008-04-07 8:06 pm

Wow, the editors at IDW have certainly been busy! Editor in Chief, Chris Ryall gives us a preview page from "All Hail Megatron" with some serious Constructicon action, and editor Denton Tipton gives us a sneak peak glimpse at some Spotlight Hardhead line art by Nick Roche, and in case you missed it a couple of days ago, on April 4th Ryall gave us a look at some Spotlight Wheelie line art and Tipton gave us peak at a Wheelie variant cover.

Sabrblade said,  - 2008-04-07 23:39:49
Notice the trigger on Megs' leg in that first pic of "All Hail Megatron"? It's cool how they're using a Masterpiece-inspired design for him and the Seekers (I saw them in another pic somewhere else). Since they're using the Masterpiece designn for these guys, the way the Constructicons look in the second pic could be what Masterpiece versions of THEM would look like. Hmm, I wonder... ;)
lord megatron said,  - 2008-04-08 15:31:52
hmmmm......looks interesting! I like! another thing, I'll be doing a video review of Botcon itself! in order to watch this vid once it is posted contact me at my youtube account: lordmegatrong1
Jumpercliff said,  - 2008-04-08 21:01:30
I wonder if the guys working on "Hail Megatron" were fans of Scarface (1982).

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