Transformers News & Page Updates

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News of 2008:

Well, it's been a good 2008 everyone. wants to wish each and every one of you a Happy New Year, even though it's already been (informally) said by several users, but now it's official!
2008 gave us so much. The Transformers Animated toyline and cartoon, the Transformers Universe (2008) toyline, the spoilers/rumors for Transformers:

But the image is a little big and cuts off the bio. But if one right-clicks the image, copies & pastes it into a Word Document, and moves the image ... (22 comments)

Whether "Optimus as monkey, NOT truck" excites you or makes your blood boil, the Beast Wars is (IMHO) completely responsible for the rebirth of Transformers from its early '90's dormancy. On this day as we say goodbye to 2008, we look back to the beginning of ths prominent era in TF history. Check out the 1996 ... (15 comments)

This is his bio:
ROLLBAR is happiest when ... (3 comments)

At long last, after a prolonged lack of media appeal, the very first official images for the upcoming movie Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen have been revealed at
These images show us a glimpse at some of the intense action and battle scenes, as well as the filming itself, all shot in Egypt. Not to mention

May 28-31 in Pasadena, California USA
So what does this mean? I'm hoping for the appearance of movie stars, but not a sneak peak of the film. We shall see.
Merry Christmas... as Sabrblade put it so eloquently, HAPPY HOLIDAYS! From all of us at! (5 comments)

Feel free to elaborate on what you all got for this seasonal occasion. Again, seasons greetings to all from your friends at! (11 comments)

First up has posted a number of Video and text reviews and galleries of the forthcoming Revenge of the Fallen Scout Class Toys and some Animated toys like Waspinator and WRECK GAR.
Check it out ... (3 comments)

Also, for all you Beast Wars fans, have you ever wondered how many times Megatron has ... (6 comments)

Also, s250's blog has yet again treated us with the concept art for ... (14 comments)

... okay, that's enough of that. The dvds are on the ... (30 comments)

First, TF08 has revealed the identity of a new Autobot character in the FAB form of Jolt. He has been confirmed as the Chevy Volt seen in various clips from before. See his FAB toy here.
Also, ACToys has shown three more FABs of familiar ... (8 comments)

Also, they have discovered what the bio is for ... (51 comments)


TFW2005 has some interesting news regarding the future of the Transformers Universe toyline:
In an interview that is printed in Toyfare #138 (February 2009 issue), Hasbro's Transformers Universe designer Bill Rawley talks about the future of the Universe line. He states that the Universe line, which is going on hiatus next year for the movie line,

There's no description acconpanying it this time, but the only name that comes to mind with those letters in that order is "Warpath". If it's him, then "WHAM! BANG! That's cool!", and s250 who runs that site,

First, there's a little red Decepticon car that has shown up in several places: an album on Photobucket, a mini-review of it on, and ... (9 comments) has a preview of one of the pages showing Perceptor and Wheeljack working on some project, which TFW2005 has a preview of the following page that seems to show what the project resulted in: the ... (17 comments)

Hot Shot, among others, is set to appear in the third season of the Transformers ... (11 comments)

You thought the Animated Happy Meal toys were cool? HA! Back in the 80's your Big Mac, Quarter Pounder, french fries, McNuggets, even your "hot cakes" & cup of coffee were not safe! They were ALL robots in disguise! Not quite Transformers, the "Changeables" were among the most bizarre Transformers knockoffs to ever have
Winter weather is upon us and we want to thank Susan Wile for sharing info with us about her new product a transformable coat. Check out her website and info below for all the details!
"...We are running a massive sale on our award winning, convertible TRANSFORMERS jackets (the jacket turns into a backpack and also into a
... (6 comments) has pictures of Animated Wreck-Gar for your viewing pleasure, which you can find here. Be sure to check out the whole site for other great pics!
The 2001 page has been updated to include names above each toy, and one foreign toy not available to us in the US (except on e-bay for a lot of money).
We are thrilled to have received answers to questions we posed to
the Hasbro: Transformers Team. Here is what we asked and what they had
to say! WOW!
Sabrblade asks question 1: Since the Japanese-exclusive G1 cartoon
series (The Headmasters, Chojin Masterforce, Victory, and Zone) were
released on DVD in Europe and

SPOILER WARNING!! TFW2005 has posted images of an upcoming ROTF figure.
At this time, not much is known about the character, except that it is a Decepticon, and may have some relation to Soundwave. The toy also appears to be around the Scout class size, which may mean that the sequel's toyline may bring back the Scout class.
Images can and

In a Sunday post by Don Murphy himself, at Don, he gives out a little ROTF info regarding the shooting and awesomeness of the film:
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen has finished shooting and is in the capable hands of Michael Bay and Industrial Light and Magic. If you liked the first movie, this is in the same vein, just more

His name is, "Like; so 80's!" but you must admit, the toy was pretty darn cool! There are too many good reasons to talk about BUGLY! With the possibility of Pretenders in ROTF, he's even an acolade of "The Fallen!" while making appearancess in War Within: The Dark Ages, (along with other War Within pages we've recently
Hasbro has updated their website, MonkeyBar TV, with full episodes of Transformers Generation One, Transformers Beast Wars, and Transformers Animated, as opposed to the previous shortened versions.
You can find them at the links below.
Transformers Section of MonkeyBarTV
Our Accessories for Collectors Section has been updated with some good news & bad news. I am sorry to report that we are now sold out* of Unicron Stands. The good news is, we have decided to move forward with one final production run of Golden Disks Accessory Sets, available HERE.
Put this in the category of "even better news" ...
Several months ago, we received a list of several new characters that are to appear in Transformers Animated season 3. Among the one listed on that list was one described as "A****, a bit different than previous show, more details". Many assumed that this character would be either Acree or Alpha (Trion).
Well, s250 of has two more of

The Transformers Live Action Movie Blog has posted images of Revenge of the Fallen Megatron and Ravage. Be warned these may contain spoilers, and these designs may not be set in stone.

Hi guys! I'm DocWho and I'll be helping out with news here at Be sure to check out who has posted some new images of Atomic Lugnut and Universe Dinobot in package.
In my informal poll, site visitors expressed similar opinions, so we'll continue with the characters of 1988 rather than 2008! Back then, (unlike today) we were starved for good new Transformers stories and those we got left plenty to be desired! Transformers (Marvel Comics) issue #40 was of particular interest because it featured
I've had a chance to upload to our (non-existant) 2009 Transformers section with gallaries for other upcoming toys:
Robot Heroes: Prowl & Laserbeak, Ricochet & Predaking, Tigatron & Inferno
Universe Minicons: Blight, Bodyblock, Boltflash, Brimstone, Cosmos, Makeshift, Suppressor
Thanks to Christopher/Oberphones for bringing to our attention a new product for fans of the 1984 original seeker jet. It is individually numbered, limited edition of 500, litho printed Skywarp poster. Check out his site for all the details.
Derrick J. Wyatt has updated his web blog A Delightful Tedium with an image of what may be the new Season 3 characters Wheeljack and Perceptor.
Both are very G1-esque and have rather... interesting head designs.
Like'em or hate'em, you may check these guys out here.

Oh wonderful, WONDERFUL! Hasbro PR, we are unworthy to even bask in your magnificant aura! Your pictures so vivid, your communication so revealing! Your brilliance astounds us all!
Animated Sunstorm, the fantastically written Starcream (suck-up) clone and a G1 color inspired Shockwave have been revealed to us this morning

Moving right along with the 1988 section, you will find an all new character page for the final, "first series" Decepticon Pretender: Submarauder, or "Gilmer" as our friends on that big island across the Pacific like to call him!
So lets see a show of hands (through comments). Do we like that we're spending our Energon on these oldies but

Not long ago it was found out the the name of the last member of the Tranformers Collectors Club exclusive combiner was going to be named Heatwave.
Now that info has come to pass and there are now images of him at the TFCC website. He is a redeco of the Energon Decepticon Barricade... wearing both an Autobot and a (red) Decepticon symbol.

With the possible exception of Bludgeon and Thunderwing, favorites of Transformers comic scribe Simon Furman who have made appearances in multiple generations, the most heavily featured of Pretenders was the 1988 Decepticon, SKULLGRIN. Complete with toy photo-gallery, character/other appearances text info, comic images and jump box links,
A long time ago, I called everyone's attention to the Predicon Empire where they had the old Japanese Exclusive Game Boy Color Beast Wars game available for download with emulator. In the same vein, I now call your attention to the Sprite Database where you can find the sprites for download for this very same game. They have Lio
Major news regarding the third season of Transformers Animated! Months ago, we received a list of several new characters that are supposed to make an appearance in Transformers Animated season 3. Following that, we discovered some concept art of a good amount of those same characters, as well as some official fully colored images of two
Brand new photos of the vehicle of Animated deluxe Samurai prowl have surfaced at TF08. Though the figure is slighty (and humorously) mistransformed, we are now given a closer look at the new deco and sidecar addition to the figure. See the new images here.
Also, ACToys has some up close images of the upcoming Voyager Universe Leo Prime figure,

TFW2005 have some Movie Toy images including a Wreckage Repaint a Remolded 2009 Camero Bumblebee and more Soundwave pics they can be seen HERE HERE & HERE

To commemorate the non-event that is "Black Friday" (The day after Thanksgiving when U.S. retailers pray that consumers buy all their goods to get a jump on their Christmas gift shopping!) We unveil pages for TFA episodes 17-23, including Black Friday. You'll find they are now permanently linked to in the 2008 Transformers Section (in the
... (12 comments) wishes all of you a Happy Thanksgiving 2008. It's been a good year so far, what with the Transformers Animated two-part season finale "A Bridge Too Close, Parts One & Two", the release of the Transformers Animated and Universe (2008) toylines, the various announcements, rumors, and spoilers for both Transformers: Revenge
It's time we celebrate the 20 year anniversary of the Pretenders! Wait. Why isn't anybody cheering? Okay, so Pretenders, revolutionary as they are (then and now) are generally not considered among the all-time best ideas of the Transformers toy line. But for a lot of reasons it makes sense to take a closer look at these oft
... (19 comments) has some new hi-rez images of the Transformers Animated deluxe Samurai Prowl and Waspinator figures. Samurai Prowl comes with his side car that can attach to Prowl and change into his samurai armor, as seen in "A Fistful of Energon". Waspinator is a completely new mold. His relation to the already existing character Wasp is
After all these leaked blurred images of the Revenge of the Fallen Soundwave toy, we finally have two unblurred, clear images of the figure.
Yizhi521 of TF08, who brought us the original images of the figure, has at last taken two clear images of it in robot mode. We can now see that he looks about the size of a Voyager, and he has normal fists

Previously, we were shown a tiny image of what TFA Rodimus Prime an Strika look like. Now that same image has been enlarged by the Transformers Collectors' Club and we can now clearly see the detail of these two upcoming characters here.
In addition, has the first image of Animated Brawn's concept art. It's not that big of an

Several new images of upcoming Transformers products have surfaced.
First, tfw2005 has scans of the latest issue of Hobby Japan magazine. The fist scan is of the Masterpiece MP-08 Grimlock prototype. What makes this image so special is that it's the first shot of his dino mode from the underside, as well as the first size comparison of the figure

We have received new publicity images of upcoming Transformers Animated: Jetfire and Jetstorm, Roadbuster Ultra Magnus and the Universe Superion set.
We were also told the following regarding female respondents of the Hasbro Survey,
"Hasbro was recently made aware of a problem with its Transformers Collectors Survey posted to the has posted a quick 31 question survey aimed at the Transformers community asking questions that seem to get the real resons of why we collect Transformers and targets what we look for when purchasing them
Let Hasbro hear your voice by taking the survey here.

It's an interesting way to release an exclusive toy and one of the first times I recall it's been done. Check out the all new character page for Hasbro Toy Shop Exclusive, War Within Skywarp, now available in the 2008 Section. You'll also find every other Skywarp character page has been updated with complete "Other Appearances"
... (9 comments) regulars know him as the voice of Bumblebee in Transformers & will hear more of him in 7 months when Revenge of the Fallen finally hits theaters! This week, his graphic novel "THE PILGRIM," based on true paranormal events of World War II debuts, online, for FREE. Just click the comic cover on the intro page and
... (5 comments), the biggest German Transformers Movie news website, has posted the official German title for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen:
Transformers - Die Rückkehr which translates to Transformers - The Return.
According to the German website, this news implies that the character "The Fallen" will not be in

The symposium on Dinobots wouldn't be complete without unveiling an all new page for the latest incarnation from Animated! Okay, so all the packaging, catalogs & promotional materials have this typo referring to the toy as "Snarl," but as Derrick Wyatt said at Botcon 2008, "He'll always be SLAG to me!" It's now linked
Yizhi521 of, who previously revealed images of the ROTF Soundwave toy prototype, has once again posted images of another upcoming figure: Universe Deluxe Smokescreen. This figure, like Deluxe Universe Silverstreak, is another redeco of Deluxe Universe Prowl, only without the light bar. Now we can clearly
yizhi521 of has posted the first photos of what seems to be the "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" Soundwave figure prototype.
The initial photos are blurry, and it is difficult to determine if it is indeed Soundwave or if it is even a ROTF figure, but the design aesthetic fits.
The next set of photos are clearer and seem to show a
First we get Skywarp and Thundercracker to complete the first set of Seekers, and now we get the rest of the Conehead Seekers. has the first official images of the Henkei versions of Thrust and Dirge. These images reveal that these two figures are very different from their BotCon counterparts. Their wings are completely new molds
Haven't had enough Dinobots? Yearning for more Classics character pages? We're here to help! Check out the newly overhauled page for Classics Dinobots Mini-con Team, now linked in the 2007 Transformers Section.
Hey, if Discovery Channel can have "Shark Week," can have, Dinobots week! Enjoy!
Before all the fame completely goes to his head when he becomes a "Masterpiece" (2009) and even before he got Animated, he was just a "Classic!" Staying with our Dinobot theme of the week, check out the Classics Grimlock page, linked in the 2007 Transformers Section. It's not *all* new, (we did have a jump box and package art available
Speaking of Grimlocks and Swoops, we would be remiss if we left out the very latest and (in this fan's opinion) greatest version, Transformers Animated Grimlock. His all new character page is now linked to and available in the 2008 Transformers Section.
The Transformers Collectors Club have updated their magazine preview section. In this particular update, we are shown a tiny glimpse of the new Transformers Animated characters Rodimus Prime and Strika, both of which are supposedy to be seen in Season 3. We are also given a look at Rodimus Prime's
Which of course means that he does see something; such as his all-new Animated character page, now linked to in the 2008 Transformers Section!
By the way, if you subscribe to the whole, "buy low, sell high" philosophy, you'd better go on a little shopping spree! Animated deluxe toys like Jazz, Oil Slick and Sentinel Prime... are now on sale
The year 2000 page has been updated to include names and now also contains the 2 BotCon exclusive toys.
Their story takes place in a parallel reality, alternate-universe from G1 with ties to Beast Machines and... Oh, nevermind, I'm just kidding!
It's not a character page, per se, but you will now find a link, at the bottom of the Animated Section of the 2008 Transformers Page to the photo gallery of the complete set of Animated toys included with
... And so they did! In 2004, the Dinobots, Grimlock and Swoop, were redesigned with entirely new molded toys. However, unlike the other Energon Autobots, when these two unite they form a new persona: Mega Dinobot (just like the concept for Superion, Bruticus, etc...)
So, should we consider these two the "missing link" to
Stories of the early years of civil war on Cybertron were told in The War Within by Dreamwave comics. Among the most prominent personas was he who will will go on to lead the Dinobots in G1, make appearances in Beast Wars, Energon & be resurrected in Animated... Check out the all new character page for War Within Grimlock now
Ebay seller BOSKOES has an auction for a custom repaint of Armada Unicron into the Lucky Draw "Green Unicron" AKA the "Hikari no Unicron" (Unicron of Light). The "Green Unicron" Lucky Draw toys were limited to only ten pieces in a mail away contest held by the Micron Legend Year Book back in February of 2004. This toy is a reference to
Right First off Japanese retailer Maruzen toys has added a pre-order listing page for Both MP GRIMLOCK and MICKEY MOUSE which are at a much higher resolution allowing a clear view of the details of both to be seen.
It makes it easier to see that Grimlock has one molded fist and one that opens as the molded one holds his sword and lights it up. and

Is this a foretaste of things we'll see in Transformers Animated Season 3? Only time will tell, but it does make for a great new toy (and they fixed the stinger storage mechanism!). Check out the all new character page for Elite Guard Bumblebee now linked to in the 2008 Transformers Section.
With this popular Autobot hero

With the U.S. election complete, it's time for the candidates to come together, put aside their differences and work toward the greater good of repairing America's international reputation and fixing the economy. In this spirit of togetherness we unveil the Optimus Prime and Megatron Animated deluxe 2-pack! Okay, so it's not exactly
Move over Barack Obama. Step aside John McCain. There may very well be a different U.S. President in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
According to an article from the MTV Movies Blog, actor John Voight, who was cast for the role of the Secretary of Defense John Keller in the 2007 Transformers movie, has yet to film anything for the sequel film.

Get out and VOTE or Sentinel Prime could be Leader! ...
I remember when G2 comics were about to debut the ads read, "This Ain't Your Daddy's Autobot!" I can think of no other character for which this more aptly applies than Sentinel Prime! The latest member to join the Autobot ranks, he's cocky, pompous and condescending,

Have you heard of How about this for an introduction! In case you missed last night's Simpson's Special, Treehouse of Horror #19 with Transformers spoof, just click the link to watch it free, in high definition. Really, give it a try! is a joint venture of Fox and other major networks, watch episodes that
First came the U.S. McDonald's toys, now come the Mexican ones. has shown us images of what the Mexican TFAnimated McDonald's toys look like. These little Happy Meals figures are completely different that the ones we got here in the U.S. They are entirely new molds and have a new, but familiar, transformation sequence. The toys
A new spoiler/rumor for Transformers Revenge of the Fallen has shown up at TFW2005. According to their source, the character being played by Isabel Lucas, named Alice, is not all that she appears to be. As it was mentioned in an article linked to an update way back in early September, this girl Alice turns out to be evil somehow. Thanks
To commemorate the day of costumes and spooky fun, we thought it 's only appropriate to roll out our latest character page, Animated Blackarachnia who made her Earth bound, show debut, set on Haloween.
Also, I'm requesting you send me pictures of your Transformers costumes! ( I'll make a posting Sat/Sun showing

The 2008 Transformers Section has been updated with many new additions. Included in the revamp you'll find toys from the Titanium series and every box picture I could find for Animated. Also included, you'll find cursory character pages for Activators: Ratchet, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Dirge, Lockdown, Optimus Prime, Starscream
TF08 has shown us some new close and personal images of the upcoming Universe Cheetor and Cyclonus figures, whcih give us a good look at the colors, details, and features fo the two figures. See each of them here.
Plus, ACToys has even more hi-res images of Cheetor at various camera angles to give us a better idea as to what the figure

Thanks to Hasbro's PR firm for sending us images of upcoming Transformers Universe toys: LEO PRIME and OVERLOAD. Click the links for photo galleries.
These days, there aren't too many original characters introduced into the mythology who have made no other appearances throughout the Transformers Universe. Lockdown is the exception to this rule, making his presence known in his debut: Transformers Animated episode 4, Thrill of the Hunt. Check out the all new character page, now
This past week Transformers: Animated; the Game for the Nintendo DS hit the store shelves. I should be purchasing myself a copy within the next few weeks and I hope to have a review up for you guys shortly. If anybody has picked up a copy and wants to give some advanced reviews, please feel free!
With all the talk of the coming movie Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, more rumors and spoilers keep coming in from various places. One of these rumors/spoilers is that Soundwave is going to be a space satelite. TFW2005 has recieved an image from of what could be the concept art for ROTF Soundwave and Ravage. The image shows
Before the Ark made its infamous journey w/ Cybertron's greatest heroes and crashed on Earth 4 million years ago, many of the same individuals were involved in the onset of civil war on Cybertron. Let's take quick break from Animated and open up conversation about a series set generations before Generation 1: The War Within! With toys
If you've been able to get the new Universe Deluxe Ironhide figure, you've probably noticed something awkward about his head: it's tilted forward a bit so that he's always looking down. Fear not, there is a way to fix this problem. member Geekee1 has provided instructions on how to make it so his head isn't "hanging down"
Over the years, no Transformer has been depecited with more varied number of alternate modes! He has transformed into handguns, tanks, jets, dragons, dinosaurs, cars... He's even transformed into a hand! Megatron's initial form in Transformers Animated was a Cybertronian jet/space cruiser. Check out his all new character page,
With the Star Trek remake getting pushed back from December 25th 2008 to May 8th of 2009, some of you may be wondering when we will get our trailer that was rumored to be attached to Star Trek. Well, wonder no more! Ive heard from a very reliable source that the two and a half minute trailer will be attached to The Day the Earth Stood Still on
Awhile back, we were shown the first images of the upcoming Animated Jetire & Jetstorm figures. However, many were disappointed to see that neither Jetfire, Jetstorm, nor the combined form Safeguard had appeared to have any sort of hands. It was then shortly leaned that those pics had each figure mistransformed, which was why their hands
Ever wanted to get an old G1 Autobot Roadbuster figure? How about a brand new version in Pre-G1 colors instead?
The Cybergundam blog has promo images of a new product from CM's corp called the Brave Gokin Mugen Calibur figure. This was the original name of the toy that became the 1985 G1 deluxe Autobot Roadbuster figure;

As much of a favorite as he is among fans, it's surprising there haven't been more versions. But fear not, Soundwave is making a big comeback! His presence has been confirmed by ROTF authors, so we'll see him on the big screen next year. And in the meantime, you can get your Soundwave fix enjoying the outstanding interpretation
Thanks to Hunter PR for sending us promotional images of the soon to be released Hasbro Toy Shop exclusive deluxe Optimus Prime and Megatron. Click the link to see the complete gallery.
There's no dispute, he's is the coolest character in all of Transformers mythology. The only uncool thing about him is Hasbro lost/gave up the copyright to use his name years ago, so now, he's technically, "Autobot Jazz." But you get the picture, dig? Check out his all new character page, now linked to in the 2008 Transformers
Big, strong, lumbering and SMART! Throw out old-school stereotypes, this character is a well-written departure from the usual cartoon fare. As well as being the Autobot's 'muscle', he is the best space bridge scientist on all of Cybertron! Check out the all new character page for Voyager Bulkhead, now linked in the 2008
... (9 comments) has confirmed the rumor that Universal Studios has teamed up with Hasbro and DreamWorks to create a Transformers-themed ride at its amusement parks in Hollywood and Singapore, which are set to open in early 2011. The ride will be comprised of advanced robotics, special effects, and 3D High Definition. To view the original
For your viewing pleasure, the 2008 section has been updated with links to 3 new pages, now in the left hand 'fiction' column to Transformers Animated episode 14 The Elite Guard, 15 The Return of the Headmaster and 16 (my personal favorite TFA episode to date) Mission Accomplished.
Animated season 2 will be available January 6, and is has posted pictures of many forthcoming toys! Check out:
Atomic Lugnut, Wreck-Gar! (wo-HOO!), Waspinator and Samuri Prowl, Dinobot and Smokescreen, Universe voyager Leo Prime, Overload.
Wow-za! Whatdya make of these!

New images of redecoes of the Energon combiner figures who formed Bruticus Maximus have shown up on the Internet. These figures will be released in these color schemes as part of the Universe line, much like those Energon redecoed Constructicons sold back in the Classics line.
First, two Ebay auctions had what appear to be the "Vortex" and "Swindle

Lately, there has been much info about the recently released FansProject City Commander upgrade set for Classics Ultra Magnus.
First and foremost, member First Gen has posted full images of the instruction booklet/comic that comes with the set. It tells the first part of a story called "TF-PARALLAX" with its first chapter "ORION". In

How about another new character page to get us through the weekend? Lets roll with an oldie but a goodie, (pun intended) Transformers Animated Ratchet is now permanently linked in the 2008 Transformers Section. Enjoy homeboys (and girls)!
New images of several upcoming Transformers toys have surfaced on HK-TK. These toys are all new ones that have been mentioned before, but none of them have really been seen until now. All of the following come from various Transformers toylines, including Masterpiece, Henkei/Universe, and the upcoming
Lukis Bros and Site Administrators were thrilled with the chance to to ask questions of the Hasbro Transformers Team recently. Wo-hoo! There's good news and bad news contained below! Read on to learn what we asked and how they responded.
Perceptor (and his 6-year old daughter!) ask: Can you tell us about your plans to

TFW2005 SashaShame has listed an Ebay auction for a Black Optimal Optimus unpainted prototype from Beast Wars. This item is one of only two that known to exist, and is an "unpainted injection-molded hardcopy test shot prototype". Here is the forum thread where the news was first heard, but click the above link to view the
What can I say? I'm a big fan of the IDW Comics TF Animated, "Arrival" series (Keep'm comin' Marty!). If you haven't bought a copy of the latest issue, get on it! In the meantime, check out the all new character page for the Animated original persona, OIL SLICK, now permanently linked to in the 2008 Transformers Section.
... (14 comments) has info floating in their fourms that the next MP is Grimlock due out March of '09. Grimlock is said to cost 13000 yen (roughly $130 USD). They also are reporting that the next Alternity figure will be Megatron with the alt mode of a Nissan 350Z avialible in blue or silver.
The two new mold SWTFs are

*WARNING! MAJOR SPOILERS BELOW! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!* has reported having found out what the Decepticon Soundwave will turn into in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. According to their source, Soundwave will become a form that he has not ever turned into before, but it does seem to make sense since Soundwave is a

Hasbro Toy Shop has posted bios for the upcoming Universe Deluxe figures, Cheetor and Cyclonus. Hasbro also has stated on their site that the release date of these figures is 12/22/08.
Cheetor's bio:
CHEETOR has always been fast. Other robots move at speeds that seem agonizingly slow to him, as if they were trapped in tar. Unfortunately, a has received some photos of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen at the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona. Included with these photos are pics of Bumblebee, the Chevy Beat, and the Chevy Trax hanging around each other on the set. But the big news about these photos is that we get a view of the Beat and Trax's rear licence
Since IDW took over the reigns of Transformers comics in May of 2005, they have taken on the difficult task of hooking fans with a newly reimagined G1-style "IDW-verse." Multiple plotlines starting with Infiltration, then Stormbringer, then Escalation, then Devastation... with many "Spotlight" issues carefully intertwined. The
... (9 comments) have announced some interesting news regarding the currently released Transformers Animated DVDs. Last June saw the DVD release of the TFA intro movie Transform and Roll Out, followed by the Season 1 DVD release in August. Many fans who felt these two as part of a "whole first season" were a bit irked by this. But
Is it the best Transformers toy of 2008? Maybe so, in this fan's humble opinion! Show accurate, pose-able, super fun transformation, a fantastic homage to the G1 original with inventive personality in the show, and oh yeah, he's a bad@$$ Decepticon triple changer! Check out the all new character page for TFA Blitzwing, now
TFW2005 user Red Leader has brought up some devastating news for fans in the UK. He has reported saying that Transformers Animated might be on the verge of being cancelled in the UK. The toyline, that is. Nothing has been said of the cartoon.
There is neither an official confirmation nor a denial on this matter by Hasbro, so here's hoping for

A report on TFW2005 from "TF: ROTF insider" has revealed the vehicle modes of all seven (yes supposedly, SEVEN) constructicon vehciles. They are as follows:
O&K/Terex RH400 - Hydrolic Mining Excavator - (red)
Caterpillar 992G - Wheel Loader - (yellow)
Caterpillar 773B - Dump Truck - (green)
Mack Cement Mixer - (silver/white)
Komatsu has a gallery of images featuring several custom items made by FansProject, the same people who gave us the Upgrade Kit for Classics Cliffjumper, and the City Commander armor/trailer for Classics Ultra Magnus. The images of the customs are located towards the middle of the gallery.
Among the images are pictures of the BT Convoy

For many fans (including me) the Voyager Class, Earth Mode Optimus Prime is the definitive OP toy of the year. Check out his all new character page in the 2008 Transformers Section, including package art, instructions, huge photo gallery, official character bio provided us by Cartoon Network & more... I DIG this toy! Have a
... (12 comments) comes through with an incredible news story of Transformers Animated, Season 3! Check out this article which includes concept art for Rodimus Prime, Blackout, Spittor and Strika! Waitaminute! STRIKA? Wow, the Beast Machines author brings back his favorite! Actually, this would be Stryka before her spark is
Entertainment Earth has new images of Universe deluxe Wave 4, and Animated deluxe wave 5 on their pre-order pages. Universe deluxe wave 4 consists of Cheetor, Hound (w/ Ravage), Cyclonus (w/ Nightstick) and Starscream. Animated deluxe wave 5 consists of Bumblebee (reissue), Blurr, Swindle, and Blazing Lockdown. Notice that Swindle seens to be
Dang these are GREAT shows. Check out ~character pages~ for Transformers Animated epidodes 11 Nature Calls, 12-13 Megatron Rising Part 1, and part 2, now permanently linked in the 2008 Transformers Section. And if you haven't done so already, (what the heck are you waiting for???? Get off your keaster and) be sure to buy a copy of the
Big Bad Toy Store has brand new images of the two figure from the Jetfire & Jetstorm Entertainment Pack (the same type of set as the Optimus Prime vs. Megatron - The Battle Begins set was).
The two are both Deluxe class sized figures, but will be sold at the same price as Voyagers. There is also a bit of info included

A walk down memory lane...
Search Google, the way it was in 2001. Google says they'll only keep this around for about a month. Search for Transformers, and you'll find listings dominated by electrical transformers, not toys. The toy line related results sport Hasbro's and Ben Yee's on page 1. On page
Rather surprisingly early the latest Marvel Crossovers have been found in UK Toymasters stores.
So if you are in the UK and you'd like to get Black Spider-Man, The Human Torch, or Grey Hulk then now you have the chance.
The hunt Starts now.
Also in another small bit of UK News Tesco has revealed that the pack of Animated Rescue Ratchet and 2 Animated

Chinese Transformers toyfan and News site TF-08 has added images of the new Binaltech BT-22 Convoy Dodge Ram SRT-10 Pick Up Truck toy.
It for the first time on this character uses Metal parts (Like the limited release Binaltech Black Convoy) as the Kiss Players and Alternator Versions previously released were both Plastic.
Extensive images can

Hot off the press, the Transformers Collector Comic has begun shipping. The issue includes an interview with Beast Wars and TF:Animated Voice Director and voice of Arcee, Susan Blu as well as a sneak peak of Classics/Universe 2.0 wave 2 deluxe (Beast Wars) Dinobot and Hotshot (new molds) legends Warpath, Cosmos and Wheelie. The
This is the real deal folks. "Iceman18cz" has decided to do the unthinkable! Selling his entire collection of Transformers on ebay, current bid currently stands at over $29,000, with a buy it now price of $66,800. Don't believe the numbers? Fox News Phoenix did a story, available via YouTube. Enjoy and hey there's
The 1999 page has been updated including listed names, new boxpix, the Botcon exclusives, and the Japanese Beast Wars Neo section. Also, the one Beast Wars Metals exclusive is shown.
The toy may not be for everyone, but certainly adds great diversity to Optimus Prime toys produced through the years. Check out the all new character page for Roll Out Command Optimus Prime now linked in the 2008 Transformers Section. You can weigh in with your reviews or for some extended perspective see Knightwing's thought provoking
When ever Derrick Wyatt updates his blog we Transformers fans get a treat. Check out the his post on the evolution of TFA Prowl here. Enjoy!
Earlier this evening, both Entertainment Tonight and The insider were on location at the set in White Sands, New Mexico for a sneek peek exclusive look at Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, as we reported they would. Both events were known as "Transformers Tuesday". Each show basically had the same info, but The Insider had some extra
Check local listings to watch Entertainment Tonight who is reporting from Holloman Airforce Base and have declared it, "Transformers Tuesday!" Should be intersting!
It's ironic how the producers of ROTF talk about the film being more "global in scope," because it seems the real life global scope of Transformers has revealed SPOILERS of a very

The TFW2005 forums bring us some very startling and confusing news. In their most recent publication in the November 2008 issue of Figure Oh magazine Takara Tomy is showing us a possible crossover with... Disney(?).
The page shows a silhouette of what appears to be mecha that looks like Mickey Mouse and an insignia that looks look the G2

TFW2005 has an image of the concept sketch for Animated Beachcomber. He looks very g -esque, except with the lanky design of TFA and what appears to be a goatee.
This works well since he was one of the characters hinted at awhile back in a list of season 3 characters. Check out the pic here.

Have we mentioned we love Transformers Animated? Have we mentioned you can (and should) buy the first season on DVD, just about anywhere DVD's are sold? Well, if you need a reminder of its complete awesomeness, check out new "character pages" for episodes 8 Lost and Found, 9 Survival of the Fittest and 10 Headmaster.
Plus, tvshowsondvd

The "About Us" page has been updated with slightly revamped text about our thoughs on why we host this site and especially a new "character bio" for one of our newest "Friends of Unicron(.com)." A frequent contributor and aministrator, we're really glad to have Sabrblade onboard! (Scroll to the bottom for details...)
Two sources have revealed what Megatron in Transformers, Revenge of the Fallen will turn into.
First, has reported in an article about Megatron's new alternate mode for the movie sequel. In the first film, Megatron was originally a Cybertronian jet/aircraft, and kept it throughout the film, being the only movie character not

The movie buffs at have posted a great editorial, where the author, Laremy Legel outlines all of his reasons why he thinks the DINOBOTS should be included in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen! He breaks lose with the whole, "thanks for ruining my childhood" bit, but makes some excellent points nonetheless. Weigh in with your
The Transformers Live Action Blog has posted pictures from the set at Holloman Airforce Base. The aren't overly revealing, but pretty cool nonetheless. They have also posted some interesting fan made art, imagining what Grimlock might look like, should he wonder onto the set (with a truck alternate mode). Here's hoping!
Also, just

TFW2005 has posted some terrific publicity still images of forthcoming Transformers toys. These provide us with the best look we've seen so far of:
Animated: Chainsaw Lockdown, Swindle, Blurr, Skywarp, Shockwave...
Classics Universe: Cyclonus, Hound, Cheetor, Brawn (hey, I thought he was dead!), Beachcomber, Bumblebee, Inferno and a few other

If you are not aware of this, there is an awesome song on Youtube that lists every single Generation One Transformers character to appear in seasons one, two, three, and four of the original cartoon, as well as some from the Headmaster cartoon. Basically, its every character that was available as a toy in 1984, 1985, 1986, and 1987, who also
A inside source as provided information relating to the next installment of Transformers, Revenge of the Fallen. Although we have been unable to obtain direct, independent confirmation, we have compiled a growing list of circumstantial evidence which indicates it's legit. Read and decide for yourself, SPOILERS ahead.

An interview with the Transformers sequel writers can be found HERE at iesb
Check out the updated 1998 Transformers Section which now includes Beast Wars (II) Second from Japan as well as two European exclusive Transmetals.
Generation 1 had Soundwave. Beast Wars had Inferno. Transformers newest era, Animated has introduced fans to Lugnut. Although not the sharpest knife in the drawer, Lugnut serves a great purpose as Megatron's ever loyal Leiutenant. You'll find this and other Animated character pages now permanently linked in the 2008
A new image of the back of the box of Transfoemrs Animated Voyager Skywarp have surfaced at The bio reveals that he is, in fact, tyhe same character as the second Coward Starscream clone seen in "A Bridge Too Close - Parts 1 & 2". Check it out here, it's quite a funny bio to read.
They also have new images of

We're working on obtaining confirmation of ROTF inisights provided us recently. In the meantime, we have heard from one independent source regarding the following Transformers Animated season 3 revelations. According to this source, "...most of the Season 3 stuff is legit..." Okay, you've been warned. SPOILERS ahead,
Ain't It Cool News has told us in an article that the first trailer for Transformers Revenge of the Fallen will debut in theaters with the showing of the upcoming Star Trek movie.
What's interesting about this is that the article claims that this trailer will be the FULL trailer, instead of a short teaser trailer like the first film had. Could this

Revenge of the Fallen news abounds!! TF-live action Blog has posted an image sent by yet another "anonymous source" a site visitor with a 3D CGI image of the Constructicon (presumed to be named) Long Haul. Although this does not prove the TFW2005 report that there are 7 and they will combine, it's proof enough for me that at least 1
I have been sent inside information regarding the upcoming Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Some has been hinted at elsewhere, much of it is quite new. My source states this info is the real deal, not rumors. So consider yourself warned SPOILERS ahead!
Transformers Movie Blog has a video from Phillyfilmgirl showing a clip of a

It's NOT a "spoiler" because we don't know if it's the real deal or as Mike Bay would say, "intentionally leaked false information!" HA! TFW2005 is reporting that the Constructicon combiner DEVASTATOR will appear in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Other key points of interest:
- Seven construction vehicles merge to

After images of "Stinger" showing up the other day SEE HERE there's now a few more rather tiny and indistinct images of Concepts for the Transformers sequel.
HERE also the Transformers Blog spot has some images taken at the Eastern State Penitentiary of some of the vehicle which show the detail of the wheels confirming their status as

The ultimate in Transformers treachary! Check out the all new character page for the latest incarnation of this classic persona: "Animated" Starscream now uploaded and ready for viewing in the 2008 Transformers Section.
Although his color scheme is a little too ~Thundercracker-like for my taste, it's a great figure, plus we can hold out

New pictures of Animated Shockwave have surfaced at Check out images of him in all four of his modes: Robot, Tank, Longarm (Prime), Crane. You can see them all on the original page here.
(9 comments) has posted an article regarding the release of Transformers Cybertron: The Ultimate Collection DVD box set. Fan complaints of the missing footage from episode 3 "Hidden" have reached Paramount and they will offer a solution.
They will be offering replacement disks to those with the faulty episode disks, and

Among the best new personas added to the Autobot ranks, the 2008 Transformers Section has been updated with an all new character page for Transformers Animated Prowl and several new box picture thumbails (database linked so they appear in sighting/review items). Have a good weekend all.
For those of you who picked up a recent copy of the Transformers Movie DVD from Wal-Mart, you are now able to access some bonus content on the Wal-Mart website with an access code included in the DVD package (the Bumblebee or Optimus Prime mask set, or the transforming Megatron box set). For those of you who haven't
The Associated Press reports that Transformers will finally be released on high-definition Blu-Ray DVD tomorrow. It's worthy to note, the article states that some 240,000 people bought Transformers in the now obsolete HD format. Sorry suckas (including us) it's time for an upgrade! Of the release, Michael Bay has said,

On Hasbro's Transformers website, they have made things more clear about several upcoming Transformers figures for Animated, Universe, and the Movie.
On the collector's checklist section, which lists every U.S. Hasbro toy from 1984 until now, a section for 2008 is up, and lists all the toys expected to be released for the rest of the year. Some of

UK Argos stores now have a 25% off sale that includes all Transformers Animated toys for example Deluxes are now £7.49, Voyagers are £14.99, and Rollout Command Optimus Prime is £37.49. Activators and Leaders Bulkhead and Megatron are also included in the sale also at 25% off.
The current sale price ends on the 16th September. and

In case you don't know, the above is in reference to the long running Trix cereal ad campain. The basic premis is that a rabbit keeps trying to eat kids cereal. His polts are always foiled, and sombody always says,"Silly Rabbit, Trix are for kids!"
There's a simple reason for bringing this up. We collectors often forget

s250, from TFW2005 has revealed what he has found out to be characters in the upcoming Transformers Animated Season 3. He is normally a reliable source and is quite often correct. So this should be taken very seriously.
However the names he recieved were (unfortunately for us) written cryptically with only a few letters known, which gives us is reporting the new Jedi Starfighter I/Anakin Skywalker is out. This is a yellow repaint of the Saesee Tiin mold. They also have mirrored in box images of Shockwave and Skywarp from The box of Shockwave clearly states he has 4 modes, so the toy will also be able to
Perhaps because we miss the Saturday morning conversations to discuss new episodes, we been working to produce new ~character pages~ for TFA episodes 4 Thrill of the Hunt, 5 Nanosec, 6 Along Came a Spider and 7 Sound and Fury for your enjoyment and future reference. (Available on DVD pretty much everywhere...)
Thankfully, we have new

We are continuing to organize and clean house and have put a number of Transformers items up for auction.
* MISB original Armada Unicron, with display stand (sealed)
* MOC original Beast Wars Blackarachnia, autographed by Venus Terzo
* MISB Transmetal Ultra Depth Charge
* MISB RID 3-pack Nightcruz, Mirage GT and Scavenger
* MOC Beast Machines deluxe

Transformers Revenge of the Fallen news comes our way from a variety of sources!
The Live Action Blog has posted pictures of an exploded gas tanker prop used in one of many explosion sequences for the film. Chinese lettering on the truck indicates the scene is set in Shanghi.
TFW2005 has posted a link to a photobucket account with
The Master Collector's Transformers Club Store now has Nightbeat and the Seacons up for pre-order. Nightbeat costs $48 for members and the Seacons will set members back $119. The non member prices are $88 and $159 respectively, but the additional $40 buys you a 1 year club membership. If you'd like to look aroud the public
This ain't your daddy's Autobot! Not only that, he's not even anything like the character featured in last year's feature film! Transformers Animated Bumblebee is a reinvented persona and the latest to get the all new character page treatment, now permanently linked in the 2008 Transformers section. It includes all our new
GeekDad has brought to us an article called Less Than Meets the Eye: The 12 Most Ridiculous Transformers of All Time.
At first glance, one would believe the author to be an anti-Transformers type who focuses on finding TF stuff to bash. But surprisingly, this list may make sense to some, and not so much to others.
The 12 TFs he lists (in no

New listings have shown up on for Transformers trade paperbacks. The listings include All Hail Megatron, Reign of Starscream, as well as The War Within Omnibus that collects the two completed story arcs from the WW and excludes in the existing issues from the incomplete 'Age of Wrath' arc, the Movie Prequel: Saga of the Allspark
Season 1 of Transformers Animated is now available on DVD and it's the bomb! If you haven't already, pick up a copy anywhere DVDs are sold,, Suncoast, etc.
See the first 3 episode's, "character pages" with links to discussion and photo gallery to episode 1 Home is Where the Spark Is, 2: Total Meltdown and 3 Blast
Two auctions are current selling extremely rare special G1 figures. Yahoo! Japan has a Chrome Colored G1 Soundwave for auction at a very reasonable price (currently).
And now for the hardest of the hardcore collectors. An Ebay auction is selling an unproduced Lucky Draw Black G1 Rodimus Prime! The starting bid: $2,999.99!
Also, there

There a a few new images from Transformers 2. You can see pics of Shia in burn make up at There are also new shots of Optimus Prime, Ironhide, Chevy Trax, and the ice cream truck at Stop Sector Seven.
Also at TFliveBlogspot, you can read Roberto Orci's comments about writing in Shia's hand

Previously unseen artwork of Beast Wars Megatron in his pre-Earth body from Dawn of the Future's Past and brief moments in Beast Wars Part 1 has now shown up on Deviant Art. What cool about this artwork is that it shows why Megatron's comic look differs from his show look: the comic form is an exo-suit. See the artwork here.
Also, new Universe

You can buy the Transformers Animated movie intro, "Transform and Roll Out" on DVD at various stores like Target, Walmart and Amazon.
As you wait for it to arrive, wet your whistle with our all new page(s) dedicated to this great work of fiction! Think of it like a character page for episodes of Transformers! parts 1, part 2 and part 3

There has been an Ice Cream Truck running around on the set of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen. Well, now we have an actual, but short, video of said truck. You can see the video of the truck here via the Transformers Live Action Movie Blog.
Yahoo Japan currently has auctions up for G1 mini-bots done in

Hello everyone, sorry I've been away so long. If your an Optimus Prime fan like me, you'll be happy to know that is now taking pre-orders for the MP-04 Battle Roller being made by TFC Toys. This is the perfect way to "complete" your MP-04 Optimus Prime. What's better than having a Roller for your MP
For years I've imagined what I want a character page to be but have been limited by the capabilities of web development programs. That is no longer the case! This is a new style character page, for a new generation of Transofmers; debuted for Optimus Prime with Cybertronian Alternate Mode. Incorporating all of our latest
On DVD today (Tuesday), Transformers: Animated Season One has hit the shelves. This DVD "set" is the thirteen episodes of Season One that follow directly after The TFA Movie "Transform and Roll Out!" From "Home is Where the Spark is" to "Megatron Rising pt. 2". Hopefully later we'll have some reports on extras on the DVD.
As reported back in june, the Transformers Alternity toyline will feature the licenced Nissan GT-R as a vehicle-mode for its Convoy (Optimus Prime) figure.
New Zealand-based Automobile site NZ Performance Car has an article running featuring the design of the robot-mode of the Alternity GT-R Convoy figure . According to the article, the figure will

We've been in the lull for a while now without anything new from Transformers: Animated as the two completed seasons have fully airred. Well, with nearly a year until new episodes hit US screens and about two months until the game clicks into Nintedo DSes everywhere, there's still one more piece of media to tie us over:
... (9 comments) member Stormrider has an exclusive interview with David Kaye, known as the voice of Animated Optimus Prime, and several past Megatrons. Also, in this interview, Kaye further confirms that Bob Forward and Larry Ditillio are back to write for Animated, as we first learned here. Check out this interview here.
Also, TFW2005 has images of

Beast Wars fans REJOICE! has learned, from independent & credible sources that Bob Forward and Larry DiTillio will make their triumphant return to Transformers storytelling in Animated Season 3! We have also learned a few other choice nuggets of interest! SPOILER WARNING AHEAD:
* Yes, there will be a season 3,

Our 1985 Transformers Section (and 1984) has been revamped and amped with many new additions!
* Instructions from our collection have been painstakingly scanned, uploaded and linked for every toy of that year -also accessible via our Instructions Archive.
* Toy Reviews are now linked and accessible for for each 1985. -accessible in the Review has posted the first in box pics of "Blazing Lockdown", a recolor of the previous Animated Lockdown figure. This version of Lockdown comes with a chanesaw atachment, featured in the show, rather than his hook hand. It is yet unknown if Hasbro will have fixed the design problem with his hands in this version. Of note are the pictures of
Thanks again to Shinobitron for another great chapter in our exclusive Alterations how-to Article series. Each chapter will be a more complicated tutorial. This time, check out Chapter 3: a basic alteration - Energon Swindle in the Alterations Blog.
We try not to make a habit of posting this sort of thing but being a
rather major sell, we thought you might want to be aware of a few
goodies we have put up for auction from our collection:
* 2003 Botcon Cyclonus MISB
* 1999 Botcon Sandstorm MISB
Beast Wars
* Rattrap MOC Autographed by Scott McNeil
* Silverbolt MOC

JizaiToys has updated its website again with a new project that's in the works. From what the pictures show, it appears to be G1 Megatron, but with some feature one wouldn't expect. Not only does he turn into a gun, but it would seem that he also turns into a cannon for G2 Hero/Robotmasters Megatron, with a Galvatron head for the figure. This
Transformers fans know him as "Bobby Bolivia" the used car salesman who sold Sam Witwicky his first car. We were saddened to learn today that actor/comedian Bernie Mac died today at a Chicago hospital due to complications of pneumonia. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, friends and fans for this tragic loss at far too young
With the up-and-coming Transformers: Animated game on the horizon, the bros and I discussed the possibilities of getting some of the more recent games reviews up on the site. So I now present to you the first installment: Transformers: Autobots for the Nintendo DS!
Please enjoy, and if you have any suggestions for future game reviews, I'd

Previously, we reported the announcement of TFC-EX002 Battle Rollar (A.K.A. Masterpiece Roller), which had mostly mixed feedback.
Now TFClub has updated there site with a huge amount of pictures featuring their 'Battle Rollar' product.
Pictures shown of Battle Rollar include preview art and prototype images, but further down, images of the

KalelPrime, transfan and avid reviewer, has uploaded a video to youtube that features the first look at TFA the Game. You can check it out here. The video isn't the best quality, but you can see some pretty cool stuff going on. If I hear correctly, the Decepticons are being led by "Megatron and Lockdown". Well that's an
... (3 comments) has a very interesting interview with Transformers Animated lead writer and story editor, Marty Isenberg. What can he say about season 3?
"I'm still not entirely clear on what we can and cannot say about
Season Three. So I will just say that we have not yet begun work on
Season Four."
Click the link to read the interview

New on, you can see a video for Transformers: G1 Awakening. The video has no audio, so I don't know what's really going on, but from the looks of it, it's a tactics style game where you can play as many of the G1 cast of characters. It even looks like you can play as the Decepticons. So, will you roll out the
In the same vein of all the movie news today, I found on a little diddy about the prequel comic being published by IDW thanks to an exclusive interview between the comic writer and MTV. This new comic is titled "Transformers: Destiny" and is apparenlty set to explore the background of the Fallen, picking up where "Reign of
I can hardly believe my eyes, I had to read it twice! It appears there is confirmation regarding the rumors regarding a certain Transformers comic book character and his role in the upcoming film. In a Comic Book Resources interview, the popular, longtime Transformers fiction author Simon Furman said,
"It's interesting that the

* has posted pictures
from an "anonymous source" showing the filming of a presumed battle
scene with the ice cream truck, our first look at a (silver?) Audi R8
and is that OPTIMUS with a TRAILER???? (Wo-HOOO! PLEASE let it be a
transforming battle "suit" ala G1 Powermaster Optimus Prime!!!)
* MSN reports
that police say Shia reports new products listed in the computers of Wal-Mart. While some of these were already heard of thanks to the HASBRO SDCC Transformers Panel, others, however, are brand new:
TF Animated: Shadow Blade Megatron, Roadbuster Ultra Magnus, Cyber Speed Bumblebee, Street Patrol Bumblebee
Universe: Overload, Vector Prime, Leo Prime

The Transformers: ROTF: Live Action Movie Blog has posted pictures from San Pedro, CA which show Optimus, Iron Hide, "NEST" vehicles and the mysterious ice cream truck (presumably a) Transformer! Let the speculation begin! With a police car Decepticon in the first film, I'm thinking a rusty ice cream truck like this to be another
Thanks to the PR firm, Step3 for sending us press materials for the forthcoming Transformers Animated Game for Nintendo DS. The Animated style seems very conducive to gaming. Check out the fact sheet, as well as images: Bulkhead throwing wrecking ball, Optimus throwing axe, Optimus racing, Bumblebee climbing and Bumblebee boosters. has a report from the SDCC Transformers Panel that consists of a gallery of images featuring several new figures for the Animated and Universe lines, and a Q&A section that focuses on the Animated, Universe, Movie, and "other" toylines. Here's a run down of all the new figures in this gallery:
Animated: Activators Cliffjumper,

With a couple hundred new toys coming out per year can one dedicated
fan keep up? (I admit, the answer is) No, but that doesn't stop me
from trying! Check out the Instructions and Package Art Archive for many many additions. Check the links for 2008
Animated: Package Art/Instructions
new additions include: leader Bulkhead,

I must admit, I had never heard of him before. But after the first Transformers film and having bought his (IMHO) brilliant CD score, we're thrilled to learn that Steve Jablonsky will be returning for musical duties on TF2:ROTF. Outstanding! (As originally reported by the Knight Shift.)
Speaking of ROTF, the official website

The Unofficial Pacific Northwest Transformers Fan and Collectors Convention, aka The Cybertronian Conference, better known as CybCon, is a mere month away. On Saturday, August 23rd, from 10am to 5pm at the King Oscar Motel and Convention Center in Tacoma at 8820 and 8726 South Hosmer, there will be a large hall full of dealers and tons of
Hey everyone, just a reminder that Transformers: Cybertron the Ultimate Collection came out to DVD today according to They are still doing their offer of 33% off, so you can pick up the whole box set for a total of $39.99 rather than the list price of $59.98. Let's just hope that Energon follows suit and makes it on the
Don't miss Chapter 2 in our exclusive Alterations how-to Article series. Thanks again to Shinobitron for another great chapter on how to make your very own Alternators Missle Launcher. We'll let this tutorial speak for itself.
For as long as there has been Transformers, there have been TF fans. and as far as fans go, there are those who like to take the overall story/stories of Transfomers and put it into a continuity consisting of what they believe is canon.
These "Personal Continuities" (or "PCs" as we'll abbreviate) can be very unique from fan to fan, depending on

Thank the Allspark(.com) for the heads up to an amazing interview on where Roberto Orci, co-writer of Transformers 1 and 2 reveals that... Yeah, you can read on! The chances of you not hearing this elsewhere between now and next June are pretty slim! Okay, so he makes some pretty major revelations about the new film:

A little while back, I posted about TFA McDonald's toys and we all kinda had the same resounding "Ehh" about the figures. Well, there just so happens to be an incentive to picking these little guys up! The Happy Meal bag has an exclusive cupon for $5 off of any figure $19.99 or more. So that's Voyager class figures and Leader
Hey every one, a little more video game news to throw your way. The now ancient game Transformers: Convoy no Nazo (which roughly translates to the title above) that was exclusively released in Japan for the Nintendo Famicon System (our Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)) has been released in Japan on the Wii's Virtual Console on June
Yes, you're reading that title correctly. reports that Bicycle Designer Chang Ting Jen came up with a design for a real "transforming" bicycle with three modes. The design is still in the concept stage but is said to go from a one person bicycle, to a hand cart and finally a backpack. The idea is to make
Hey everybody, I just got back from picking up my very own Leader Bulkhead figure from my local Toys 'R Us and it happened to come with a little pamphlet that previews other merchandise including an up-and-coming Transformers: Animated The Game DS video game! The pamphlet lists the game as being available October 2008. It also says to
Automaster of the TFW2005 boards has reported that new Animated UPC numbers have shown up in the Wal-Mart computers. Some of these figures were hinted at Botcon, but now there is pure evidence of these figures getting a release.
He found out from a friend who works at a Wal-Mart who called him and told him of the

As some of you are aware, has posted an image of an upcoming Universe figure: Unicron. This figure is the exact same as its Armada release. The only difference is that it comes in different packaging. To see the image of this planet devourer, click here.
Recent reports have stated that this figure will be a Toys'R'Us
It's happy and sad, but for the foreseeable future, our being spoiled with weekly new episodes of Transformers Animated is coming to and end. The season 2 finale episodes, "A Bridge Too Close" parts 1 & 2 make their U.S. debut on CartoonNetwork! Wow, I cannot wait!
What did you think?!

Since no one has said this yet (and it should be said before the day ends in 8 minutes of this writing) Happy Independence Day to everyone from your friends at!
Today is the 232nd birthday of the United States of America, which was the day that the USA won its independence from the British.
In more recent Transformers-related news,

Lately, there have been several reports about a leaked poster for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Each of the reports claimed the poster(s) to be either "an official preview" or "an unconfirmed rumor". However, the truth is that the leaked poster, along with others, were the work of a talented Polish fan. His confession on
TF2 Live Action Blog has updated with come pretty cool info and links regarding TF2: Revenge of the Fallen. Some of "old" news, I know, but worth mentioning none-the-less.
* Some darn fine, supposedly fan made concept art for a the 'off road' Chevy Tahoe TRAILBREAKER. This is awefully good for fan art. Time will tell, but wow, I

Starting soon, McDonald's will begin its Transformers Animated promotion (along with "Littlest Petshop") with their very own Happy Meal toys. Some Mickey Dees have already begun the promotion as my little nephew scored toy #2 Megatron... which I proceeded to steal from him (he's one-year-old and had three of them... he won't miss it... don't
The 2008 Transformers Section has been given a facelift. Included in the revamp, you'll find an updated listing of Transformers Animated episodes from season two (left hand 'fiction' column.) You'll also find many new additions to the box picture thumbnails and checklists! Brace yourselves fans. If you thought 2007 had a
TFClub has informed us of another of their exclusive custom accessories: TFC-EX002 Battle Rollar. This new product seems to be a Masterpiece version of Roller, the little buggy drone companion of Generation 1 Optimus Prime. This is the perfect addition to either Masterpiece Convoy or 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime. But what makes this
The latest episode of Transformers Animated, "Sari, No One's Home" makes its U.S. television debut today and tomorrow (6/28 and 29) and again on Thursday 7/3 in case you miss this weekends showings. What did you think of this episode?
Plus, heads up! The 2-part season finale, "A Bridge Too Close" parts 1 AND 2 will air next weekend on

New from the Alterations Blog, we have the first chapter in our exclusive Alterations How To Articles from none other than Transformers Alteration Master Shinobitron. Check out Chapter 1 How To: Set up - Getting into gear in the Alterations Blog, and keep an eye out for more chapters/tutorials coming soon from this published professional (page 2)
The Alterations Blog has been updated with more of Shinobitron's amazing work. This time around we get TFA Lockdown turned into a sweet transforming robot batmobile, Hotrod as a classic muscle car, G1 Deluxe Insecticon Chop Shop, Energon style autobot tape Steeljaw, and Deception Swindle made from Energon Longarm.
UPDATE: Hey Mr. Bay, in case you happen to stumble upon our site this fine evening, you should check out our report of the Transformers Movie Preview Event from NYC last February!
I was at the Princeton campus yesterday to watch filming for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen! After making a few wrong turns through town I finally saw

The Transformers Live Action Movie Blog and TFW2005 have received confirmation that the "2" from "Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen" has been dropped. Paramount is now opting for the simpler title "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" Transformers Screenwriter Roberto Orci came onto the TFW2005 Boards to confirm that there is indeed no "2" in
Yes folks, never thought it would happen but Transformers Animated Toys Now Available in India! And the strangest of strangest things is that the toys available are:
Dexule: cybertton Optimus, Bumblebee, Prowl, Lockdown
Voyager: Lugnut, Grimlock, earth mode Optimus, Starscream, cybertron mode Megatron
Leader: Bulkhead with headmaster,
In our previous discussion topic, it was asked what transformers character you would want to see in a live action Transformers movie and what they would turn into. For this one, we would like to know, if you could have any Transformers character appear in Transformers Animated, who would the be, what would they turn into, AND
Botcon attendees were treated to a special sneak previewing of the episode, now it makes its U.S. CartoonNetwork debut this Saturday, Sunday and Monday. As you might have guessed it does feature a certain 8-legged fem-bot! What did you think of the show?
Okay, it's too soon to commemorate the 25 year anniversary of the Transformers, but not their older overseas-only predecessors! Thought you might enjoy these old commercials I found including the "real" pronunciation of "Diaclone."
Diaclone Convoy, Triple Changer, Dinosaur Robo, Porche 935 Turbo, Powered Convoy, Construction Robo and European has posted a 5-page preview of the upcoming Transformers: Spotlight Cyclonus comic. Looks terrific! Thanks to for the heads up!
Digital Toys has updated with preorders for the following new figures:
* MP-07 Masterpiece Thundercracker, Nissan GT-R Silver Transformer, Nissan GT-R Red Transformer. See these preorders here.
They also have preorders for these new Henkei releases:
* C-09 Lambor(ghini), C-10 Streak, C-11 Ironhide, C-12 Ratchet, D-05 Octane, D-06

If you need to be the very first owner of the uncontested biggest jerk-of-an-Autobot in the 24-year history of Transformers, now is your chance! Check out this, the first online auction of Sentinel Prime! With only 14 hours to go it's a steal at it's current price over $130 it includes the very special feature of being, "no broken."

's been a while since we've had a good discussion topic, so I thought I'd throw one together. Today’s topic: If you could have any Transformers character appear in a Transformers live action movie, who would they be and what would they transform into? It can be any existing Transformer from previous continuities, it can be any
A new episode of Transformers Animated, "Autoboot Camp" makes it's U.S. television debut. It will not air again on Sunday, but if you miss Saturday's showing, you can set your VCR timers, it will air again Monday morning for 5:30AM CST. What did you think of the show?
We try not to make a habit of this, but thought you might be interested to know of a few Transformers items we are auctioning due to storage issues we are starting to run into with our ever growing collection!
* MIB Beast Wars Mega INFERNO, Autographed by Mr. "For the Royalty" himself, Jim Byrnes (when he attended Botcon 1999).
As a follow-up to Sabrblade's post asking about fan's experience with new Transformers: Animated figures, we thought we'd point out an excellent thread on where toy alterations guru Jin Saotome outlines a few very simple ways to correct issues people have mentioned. As he eloquently puts it, "...I agree that toys should come
I love it, let the Transformers 2 speculation begin! We're already seeing conflicting reports regarding who's in and who's not in the upcoming film. What seems apparent is that there will be an SR-71 Blackbird in the film. What's not clear is who it will be. One report on TransformersLiveBlog say he's Jetfire! A
There is a report on where members have pointed out some quality control type issues they're experiencing with new Transformers Animated toys. A few of the items include: overly loose ball joints and the sloppy paint applications... Share your experiences with the rest of the Transformers fandom in our TOY REVIEW SECTION
As we have reported here and here, The full title of the sequel to Michael Bay's 2007 blockbuster Transformers is "Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen. This has led to much speculation of whether this means the "fallen" Decepticons from the first film (namely Megatron) would return in the sequel with a vengeance, or if the character from The War
We may have chatted about this before (sorry I've lost track!) but since it made its U.S. television debut, I thought I'd start up the discussion of the latest TFA episode: S.U.V. In case you missed the introduction of this fan favorite Decepticon, it airs again tomorrow on CartoonNetwork or you can track it down on YouTube here and here
FansProject has just released pictures of their long awaited product "City Commander" also known as Ultramagnus' trailer/armor. Check out their site for a sneak peak.
Dario Brizuela has updated his blog with 3 more pages from the upcoming TFA comic. It looks like so far we're still getting a recap of the intro movie from these pages, but great art nonetheless.
The Transformers Live Action Movie Blog has updated with info taken from a TF2 call sheet. This info gives us some insight on the cast present during filming as well as some new info on the Transformers themselves, including confirmation of some new characters including an Ice Cream truck of twin TFs, Jetfire (SR-71 Blackbird), Arcee, a
Let the hype begin! News about Transformers 2, the sequel to the movie MTV named the 2007 Best Movie of the Year, has officially begun on HERE they announce the subtitle: Revenge of the Fallen. They also leave a tantalizing tidbit, "...expect a key character to make a dramatic comeback and attempt to settle a
And yet another new episode of the American made Transformers Animated has airred first outside of the states. Today, it is Sari, No One's Home. You can find parts one, two, and three thanks to Fantransformers on
TF2 news on reporting that there is another new cast member: Matthew Marsden. Supposedly, Bay was so impressed by Marsden's performance that he increased his role. They also have photos and a written report from the Bethlehem, PA set.
Special thanks to the commenters who have brought this news to our attention. I wonder

As Beast Wars was just reaching the rest of the world, Japan had a few exclusives. These have been added to the 1997 page which has also been "cleaned up" a little.
As we reported here, Nicktoons UK will be showing more Transformers Animated epsiodes ahead of the U.S. and Canada. Today, they've aired "Black Friday" and tomorrow should be "Sari, No One's Home".
See "Black Friday" in two parts on Youtube here and here.

Its true. A new Transformers Animated episode has aired in the UK before the U.S. or Canada! reports that the new animated episode, "Autoboot Camp", aired earlier today on Nicktoons UK around 6:30PM in Britain. This episode introduced several new characters. Check out the SPOILER laden report (with images!)

That's the rumor. Supposedly the TF movie writer made a comment about possibly having 10 bots on each side in the up and coming sequel. You can read the article here at Personally, I think the quote is saying that they would like to have 20 guys, but that it was a little much. But, hey, maybe I'm reading into
... (16 comments) member Hyper-Chicken has posted that he was able to purchase TF Movie figure Deep Space Starscream from a local Target in Sacramento, CA.This figure isn't due to hit the shelves of Target stores nationwide until the end of June. Deep Space Starscream was available through but the listing is said to be no longer
Today I ventured to the big town to try out as an extra in the movie. I filled in an information sheet and turned in a picture. While some younger and better looking people were told to come inside, I was ordered to go home. Incognito wearing a Phillies shirt, I overheard people complaining about the number of people with TF shirts. Good showing,
The official release date of Transformers Animated toys (June 22) is slowly approaching. In the meantime, we thought we could provide you a little something to hold you over. Check out our newly updated Instructions Archive and Package Art Archive which now includes scans from the Animated figures we picked up at Botcon 2008. If
Another not-to-be missed episode of Transformers Animated, A Fist Full
of Energon makes its U.S. television debut this weekend on CartoonNetwork. Tell us your thoughts in the discussion below!
Oh and S.U.V. (Society of Ultimate Villainy) airs next Saturday on CN and today on YTV for Canadian site visitors.

King Darkness of the Sideshow Freaks message boards spotted the Ironhide GMC Topkick vehicle prop, a motorcycle (in Ironhide's bed) and a Can-Am Spyder vehicle during an authorized truck stop in which all vehicles entering his state are checked for credentials, which stated that these vehicles were on their way to Philadelphia for TF2 filming.

Want to be in the next best movie ever made? Live in the Philadelphia area? Check here for the details on becoming an extra. Tryouts are this Saturday in South Philly.
Great Googly Moogly! A whole flurry of TF2 News has come to the light. Most recent is the conformation of the original cast returning for the sequel. That means everybody who was human; guys, girls, and maybe if we're lucky, Mojo'll be there, too. You can also see that Rainn Wilson from NBC's "The Office" will also be in
First Class members of the Transformers Collector Club can be on the lookout in their mailboxes. The latest publication, with comic, arrives today, (if you live close enough the shipping point.) Nifty stuff included such as an insider's report from Botcon, Hasbro publicity photos of the forthcoming Classics-Universe Sideswipe, Ironhide
For those interested actually watching the latest episode of Transformers Animated *on television* rather than a pirated youtube video, be sure to check out the premiere showings of Rise of the Constructicons, today and tomorrow on CartoonNetwork. Continue the discussion here...
A Fist Full of Energon makes its US television debut next

TakaraTomy has updated their Transformers website with lots of new information. Specifically, the Events page has revealed several exclusive delights: Henkei Crystal Convoy, Henkei Skywarp, and Henkei Thundercracker.
Crystal Convoy will be offered at the International Tokyo Toy Show from June 19th – 22nd for Y3500. A small quantity

So this has been going on for a while, I just didn't know about it until I saw my Tivo was full of previously recorded episodes, but Transformers Animated is airing in another timeslot during the week. Now, if you are up, you can catch it at six o’clock in the morning eastern time. Today’s episode was Megatron Rising pt. 1.
Dario Brizuela, just updated his blog with three pencils from the upcoming Transformers Animated Comic to be released by IDW this summer. Don't worry there are no story spoilers. These three pages are mostly recap from the intro movie. What do you think of this first look at unfinished in-book art by Dario?
"Rise of the Constructicons" aired yesterday in Canada and is now on YouTube in a decent quality. See parts 1 and 2 here and here.
The fine folks over at IGN interviewed screenwriter Robert Orci. As well as the new J.J Abrams Star Trek flick, he had a few things to say about Transformers 2:
*Filming starts in three weeks
*It picks up two years after the first film.
*There will be a better balance between the Transformers and human characters. The larger budget

Hey everybody, here's an item I'm going to be keeping my eye on is "Transformers Cybertron the Ultimate Collection" on Amazon. It appears that it is going to be the complete Transformers Cybertron series on DVD, but there is very little in the way of a product description. If you're feeling gutsy and are interested, preording the set
Derrick J. Wyatt, Art Director/Lead Character Designer for Transformers Animated has updated his blog and given us a peek at the creative process behind Lockdown's design. Derrick says that hid original concept for Lockdown was "more of a lumbering Frankenstein monster type, made up of stolen parts looted from other Cybertronians" Check out his
Chris Ryall has updated his blog with the final colored version of the final "4-in-1 TF: Revelations covers by E.J. Su" These issues will reportedly be sold as Spotlight issues that make up the Revelations story arch.
An article on recently posted a list of fictional vehicles from movies, cartoons, videogames, and other origins and placed rank on them based on their capabilities.
Topping the list is Transformers' own G1 Autobot Blurr.
Second place was the Mach 5 from Speed Racer (1960s cartoon and 2008 movie). Third was the Tumbler (A.K.A. the

Today's Alterations Blog update is not quite as extensive. Only one new figure. LordMegatron has sent us a few shots of his classics Starscream repaint and a his vision of what a Dawn of Future's Past Inferno mold would be. "I mean just look at their similarities!" Let's see that in red LordMegaton. What a good alteration idea.
It's my Birthday and I'm up for another Alterations Blog update. Thanks to our friend Shinobitron for contributing these amazing new figures to our site and making my birthday news update a sweet one. This time he's got Movie Beachcomber, Bombshell, Cosmos, Movie Junkion, Overbite, Energon Ravage. Don't miss out on these works of art.
A spoiler image of Animated Omega Supreme has shown up at TFW2005. This images is from episode 29 "A Bridge Too Close - Part 2". It also contain some short videos from the episode whcih are likely VERY spoilerific. Take waring of being spoiled before viewing them.
In other news, Madman Entertainment has posted a press release for the

Hey everybody, check it. Here is some of the latest possible rumors being thrown about with TF2. Check it out here. Whadda y'all think?
We've got a handful of new content coming for the Alterations Blog so we'll be releasing it one day at a time. Today's featured Transformers Alterationist is Tramp. Check out his awesome completely chromed Botcon Alphatrion, custom Classics Ultramagnus trailer/transformable armor, and completely custom built Moonracer.
The next day the

Check out the latest Transformers Animated toy (stolen from the factory) auction featuring Animated Supreme Roll Out Command Optimus Prime, yours for the low, low price of only $240. The auction includes a poorly done youtube video which (sort of) shows (maybe just part of) his "Auto Spin Conversion." One cool thing to notice is that
WARNING! The following information contains MAJOR spoilers regarding the series finale to Transformers: Animated. Turn back now if you wish to remain unspoiled. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"Velocity" aired today in Canada and the episode is now available to watch on YouTube. Click here for Part 1 and and here for Part 2.
Don't miss the latest new episode of TF Animated, "Garbage In, Garbage Out" airs today on CartoonNetwork. Botcon '08 attendees were treated to a sneak preview of this show and we can tell you, it's a gem!
Next you've got to check out THIS VIDEO. It's homemade, brilliantly set to Wierd Al's hit, "ebay and an appropriate way to pay

While not exactly Transformers news, this is big news for TF's sibling series. Paramount has provided pictures of the cast of the new live-action G.I. Joe movie. Check out pictures of Baroness, Breaker, Destro, Duke, Hawk, Heavy Duty, Ripcord, Scarlett, Snake-Eyes, and Storm Shadow at
My thoughts on this are: some of these look

Update 3: Well, the Transformers factories in China appear to be in full swing TFA production. For the first time ever, you can also find 5 different Leader Class Bulkhead toys...
Update 2: Also, now available for your bidding pleasure, TFA Dinobot: SLAG! (Well, Snarl but as TFA Art Director Derrick Wyatt said, "He's always SLAG to me!"

There are listings for new figures at Amazon Japan. First is Henkei Hot Rodimus. This is the Classics version of Hot Rod Rodimus in a very G1 color scheme. Next is BT-22 Convoy. This is Prime a slightly different version of BOTH the Alternators and Kiss Players versions, in that it has red arms and solid blue legs. The final color scheme is yet to
Okay, so it's time we concluded our report from Botcon 2008. Check out our Events and Interview Section where you'll find the latest addition, part 3.
Included for your viewing pleasure is a new photo gallery of the last day of the Hasbro exhibit, my notes from the Hasbro/CN "What to expect from TF: Animated seasons 2 and 3" panel, and

New *spoiler* images of the yet-to-air Transfomrers: Animated episodes "S.U.V. - Society of Ultimate Villainy" and "A Fistful of Energon" have surfaced at TFW2005.
While these episodes have yet to air in English-speaking countries, they have already aired in the Middle East, surprisingly.
Note that you have been warned about viewing the

Chris Ryall posted a retailer exclusive cover for All Hail Megatron. The cover features Reflector being held by, you guessed it, Megatron. Ryall does note that "Perceptor" is not necessarily a character in the comic... Maybe he's subtly suggesting something about Perceptor, but it's far more likely that this is just a typo where it should really
Yet again our very best friend (FanTransformers) has posted the new episode of TF: Animated a week before it airs here in the U.S. This episode is "Garbage In, Garbage Out " featureing the return of a very old friend who hasn't been scene since 1986 our time that comes with the universal greeting a lot of G1 references and cameos not
Fellow Transformers fan Peaugh has done some reviews for the BotCon Shattered Glass figures including:
Heroic Divebomb, Evil Goldbug, Evil Grimlock, Heroic Megatron, Evil Optimus Prime, Heroic Razorclaw, Evil Rodimus, Heroic Starscream
Also, Peaugh has taken the time to review the highly desired Animated Leader Class Megatron. An awesome, yet

Just a friendly reminder, for those in the U.S. the latest episode of Transformers Animated, "Mission Accomplished" airs today on CartoonNetwork. Don't miss it, it's a goodie! And feel free to continue the discussion, what did you think?!
What would the conversation sound like if Transformers Animated Bumblebee, Optimus Prime and Blitzwing went into a store to buy Sari an ice cream cone? The answer to THIS and other questions can be found on our newly updated Events and Interviews, Section with Botcon 2008 Report, Part 2!
You'll also find a new photo gallery and notes I took
Images of the Henkei versions of Skyfire and Ramjet have been revealed on Check out these highly show-accurate figures here.
As many of you have seen, fellow Transformers fan Sean Long has been doing YouTube toy reviews of various upcoming Transformers toys from the Movie, Animated and Universe lines. Some of his more recent

Thanks to various site postings, we've learned of a cool update on the blog of Derrick Wyatt a character designer for Transformers animated. Without Botcon, I'd have very little clue what I was looking at. Thanks to the various panels we attended, I'll attemt to translate:
Top Left: the face of TFA Swindle
Top Center: not sure, does

What a difference a day makes! In the wake of Botcon, Hasbro has updated their homepage with many of the 'top secret' pictures they showed in convention panels:
* Click HERE to see forthcoming TRU Exclusive 6" War Within Grimlock and Prowl.
* Click HERE to see Target Exclusive Roadbuster vs. Dirge and Springer vs. Ratbat (each comes

As many of you mknow, due to the encore airing of Ben 10: Alien Force, The U.S. airings of Transformers Animated are one week behind its northern neighbor Canada. While episode 18 "The Return of the Headmaster" aired this past Saturday here in the U.S., episode 19 "Mission Accomplished" Aired in Canada.
Thanks to a certain Transformers fan named

As always, we had a blast at BOTCON! Check out our day 1 report now permanently linked in our Events and Interview Section and link directly to the photo gallery. Stay tuned, more to come!
I'll try to keep most Day 2 news and revelations for our next update, but there is one piece of news I can't keep in! At the Hasbro designers

Before, I reported the sightings of Transformers Cybertron Legends-class figures being sold in Classics packaging. Now I have found what I believe could be the biggest re-rerelease of Transformers figures. I recently walked into my local KB Toys to browse around at the movie figures. They still had Wave 1 & 2 figures.
But that wasn't all I member Air Commander Starscream has posted the Bios for the bagged BotCon 2008 exclusive toys. Thses include heroic Decepticons Megatron, Sideswipe, Divebomb, and Rampage; and evil Autobots Rodimus and Blurr.
Check them out here.
Also, Air Commander Starscream has posted his visit to Cartoon Network's panel at BotCon, where he learned

A review of TFA Blitzwing's toy has finally appeared on YouTube. This review provides answers to several question many have had about the toy:
* Is he a Voyager? - Yes!
* Is there an easy/"gimmicky" way to swap his faces? - Yes!
* Are his altmodes messed up looking with parts from the other vehicle showing? - No, not really!
* Is he in a good

Check it out! The Events and Interviews Section has been given a full overhaul with a new look and organizational scheme, that is now fully interactive! Just like our Alterations Blog, you can leave comments, ask questions and now when our on-site reporters provide info from the field, these reports will have a permanent
Yesterday you got great new pictures of Transformers Animated Grimlock. Haven't had your fill of TFA awesomeness? Well neither have we. Today we're bringing you an all new Animated Bumblebee gallery and a revamp or our previous Bulkhead gallery. Enjoy! See you at BotCon!
Hello fellow fans! As we fast approach Botcon, the biggest annual convention celebrating all things Transformers, we wanted to let you in on a little (well, BIG!) project we've been working on. " galleries" have the phenomenal potential of being incorporated into character pages (for example, see all the text links to toy
Days 2 and 3 of Comic Con, here we go! Okay, so as I mentioned in Day 1's post, Transformers has a severely lacking presence at Comic Con. That said, there wasn't much to see, but what I saw you shall see now. I was lucky enough to find for the low low price of $20 the Beast Wars Rhinox Bust which you can see again here
Upset you didn't get to see Transformers Animated this weekend on cartoon network because of "Ben 10 Alien Force". Well don't cry over it any more, the infamous FanTransformers has posted the episode on youtube, here is Part one and two.
(17 comments) has put up a gallery of images of the now-confirmed San Diego Comic-Con exclusive figure Classics Nemesis Prime. He is a Decepticon repaint of Classics Voyager Optimus Prime.
Check this gallery of Nemesis with BotCon Evil Optimus Prime.
Also, in other related news, if are a member of the Boy Scouts of America or are a friend to one who

Yo everybody. Comic Con day one has taken place and it was a great time. Transformers didn't have a major turn out today, but there were some pretty awesome things to see still. There were a few memorable moments though, some of which were getting to see the Revoltech Figures on display... that we couldn't buy...
Can't get enough Transformers: Animated? Well, have no fear, season 2 is coming full force throughout May! Starting on Saturday May 3rd we will be treated to "Mission Accomplished" followed by... Here are the air dates and synopsis of each episode that will air. Thanks to Comics Continuum for the info.
Saturday, May 3: "

In addition to the images of the toy of Transformers Animated Blitzwing seen in a recent Ebay auction, as previously reported here, new images of both his altmodes have been posted on, including his tank mode! The pictures seem to show Blitzwing properly transformed.
He appears to be Voyager-sized when compared to the figures in the

As snazzy as it was to have a giant movie Allspark Cube floating through space as our site theme (which was to commemorate the "Allspark Power" movie toy subline in stores everywhere now...), we decided to cut loose with our Animated theme a little early. Originally, we figured we'd go live with it when the toys finally hit the shelves in
As reported earlier, IDW Publishing has made plans to release an original comic series based on Transformers: Animated. We are excited to learn today that these stories will be written by Marty Isenberg, who is also the lead writer/editor of the cartoon series! This means that comic stories will likely fit into cartoon continuity,
I don't know about you guys, but this is the item that I've been waiting for. Amazon has a listing for Transformers Animated The Movie, aka Transform and Roll Out. The DVD is slated for a release in June. Let's just hope a season release will follow soon after!
After so many cool foreign exclusives the US is treated to the end of G2. What I mean is the beginning of Beast Wars. No major changes to the 1996 page, just some tweaks.
(8 comments) has images and information on two new Toys'R'Us movie exclusives: Inferno, redeco of Armada Red Alert, and Mudflap, redeco of Cybertron Mudflap.
Click here to see the images
Also, has found an image of what appears to be BotCon Heroic Megatron. It is a redeco/remold of Energon Megatron (likely the smaller one).
At the

Okay, so only one face is dark, but the real news here is that Animated Blitzwing's toy will have three faces like his show counterpart. All the evidence is right here, at
They have posted three images of Animated Blitzwing's toy's "Man-E-Faces" style head. At the moment, we cannot confirm if this is the official toy.

While GI Joe news is generally not our area expertise or primary interest, we thought the old school Transformers fans especially would be interested to read the following press release that Mike S was nice enough to send our way. For those who are in the know when it comes to JOE, make your vote count! Who will you be voting for?
Check out for an update with the package art for the boxed set and more toy pictures for Starscream and RazorClaw.
This may be old news to our international visitors, but since it's new to us, we thought you might enjoy! Check out the new Citroen C4 commercial. featuring the newest edition of our favorite car commercials of all time. If you're another child of the 80's and dig breakdancin', you might also enjoy this Citroen ad Spoof/promo and this
As we await the arrival of the upcoming Botcon "Shattered Glass" exclusive figures, we are treated to images of various galleries provided by those who manage to obtain them sooner.
Most of these galleries are to show off the different modes, weapons, articulation, or poses that the figures can assumed. Well this one is that... and MORE!

Get ready, the "Elite Guard" arrives this weekend (Sat and Sun) on Cartoon Network. Also a new lineup change, episodes of Transformers Animated will begin airing weekdays at 5AM central time through the next two weeks, so get your VCR and TiVo's ready! Now is your chance to catch those episodes you may have missed the first time around.
The 1995 index page has been updated including names, some new boxes, moving Road Rocket up to the Autobot section and adding the Botcon exclusive Nightracer and European exclusive Power Masters.
A new page of Animated toy listings for the later waves of 2008 has been posted on According to the listings, the figures included in future waves will be:
Activators: Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Lockdown
Deluxe: Snarl, Jazz, Swoop, Blurr, Oil Slick, Soundwave, Blitzwing**, Mixmaster*, Scavenger*
Voyager: Sentinal Prime, Wreck-Gar

Denton Tipton, strikes again. This time he's given us a glimpse at a colored in-book page from the upcoming Cyclonus Spotlight. Enjoy!

Wow, the editors at IDW have certainly been busy! Editor in Chief, Chris Ryall gives us a preview page from "All Hail Megatron" with some serious Constructicon action, and editor Denton Tipton gives us a sneak peak glimpse at some Spotlight Hardhead line art by Nick Roche, and in case you missed it a couple of days ago, on April 4th Ryall gave us
Hasbro has updated it's Transformers Animated Section of their Transformers website to include the first wave of the TF Animated toyline. This includes Deluxes Bumblebee, Prowl, Lockdown, Cybertron Mode Optimus Prime; the 2-Pack Opimus Prime Vs. Megatron: The Battle Begins; and Voyagers Bulkhead, Megatron, Starscream, and (suprisingly) Optimus
So, the day has finally arrived, Megatron is back! Starsream and the Autobots beware! So What did *you* think? If you missed todays airing, you can see it tomorrow on CN as well!
Just a heads up that I unexpectedly found Premium Leader class Movie Optimus Prime and Megatron today at my local Target in Albany, CA. I was stunned in finding these as it was only earlier this week that these toys had been spotted in mass retail at Meijer Stores. I've added my sights of these GREAT figures. Make sure you add yours the sightings
Hey everybody. Supposedly a site got ahold of a cast list for TF2 and the cast is supposedly including the Constructicons and their big merging counterpart Devestator. You can read about it here and get the casting list here. So what do you think? Is the movie universe big enough for two Devestators?
If you're like me and you can't wait to get your hands on more TF movie related comics, never fear, new IDW editor
(7 comments) has recently put up a three-page preview of their upcoming 2008 Timelines comic.
From the looks of these, its going to be quite an interesting story. Check them out for yourself. Here's Page 1, Page 2, and Page 3.

The 1994 page has been updated including names, some new boxes, 4 European releases, and the very first Botcon exclusive. Some years don't have the 'Con exclusive(s) listed, so keep checking as we slowly walk through the years of Transformers.
Normally we try not to get too personal, but on this rare occasion, we thought you
might enjoy a few, "family photos!"
* Filming for TF2 may be getting close with the 'real' Barricade and now Optimus Prime on the move, but apparently they don't need Bumblebee yet! This picture
was taken yesterday at a WESTEC, a machine tool show in Los

Some of you may have seen this, but Bumblezzz of the forums has found an image (*cough*last February*cough*) of what appeares to be a TF: Animated version of Hot Rod/Rodimus Prime. What could this mean? Could Rod be showing up in the series, or is this a fan's piece of art?
As of now, we cannot confirm whether or not it is

Ah, we love April Fools here at Why does it have to end?! Check out TFormers "exclusive report" featuring leaked character designs for Transformers Animated: Blur, Hot Shot and Six Shot! Notice that the last letter in the color schemes almost spell out, "april fools."
From David Kaye's panel at last year's

Finally IDW is branching out. They announced today that they will be producing an entire line of Wheelie merchandise in celebration of the upcoming Wheelie spotlight issue!
Check out who has confirmed Transformers Animated has been green lighted for season 3! They also have episode title and descriptions!! Don't worry about spoilers here, they're written in such a was as to give you a good idea of what each episode will entail without giving too much away. Alright!!!
The 1993 index page has been updated with names added above the boxes, some new boxpics and, oh yeah, the European toys. I make no claims as to the generation these toys belong to. But based on the faction symbols, I personally consider them G2. This may cause quite a stir, so let the responses fly.
Lots of new TFA items being auctioned on ebay. In addition to the usual 15-20 loose voyager Starscreams, Optimus Primes, Grimlocks, deluxe Bumblebees... You'll also find mint in package (MIP) Activator Bumblebee, Starscream and Bulkhead. Dig further and you'll also see:
* In Box Grimlock, your's for the incredibly worhtwhile (not!) "Buy

Our friends at have put up a gallery of images from Dairycon 2008.
To see this impressive Redneckformers convention click here.

Probably not a surprise, but Simon Furman, the author of most of the TF comics from today, is going to be at Botcon, signing stuff and doing pannels. You can read the whole thing here.
Yes, it is true. Some of the Transformers Cybertron Legends class figures are being sold in Classics packaging and have been found in retail. I recently walked into my local Kmart that I hadn't walked into for quite awhile. I walked into the toys section and stepped into the aisle with the TF toys and saw on the shelf were several Cybertron
So, it's been a little while since I've let you all know what books are out and coming out, so here it is everybody. Brought to you by, here is our most recent and future releases. First of all, Marvel's cash in on the summer blockbuster has finally hit shelves in all its collected glory as "New Avengers/Transformers", a
Bring on the Decepticons! Don't forget! Part one of the TF Animated, two-part season finale airs this weekend! 9:30AM CST Sat and 10AM Sun. Before it airs, we can talk predictions. After that, let the DISCUSSION begin! So, what did you think?!
On a related note, in case you missed the news elsewhere, Bumper member D Banks has shown a youtube review of Animated Lugnut. He also shares a small gallery of images of Lugnut, his box, his instructions, and his size in comparison to other Animated figures including Voyagers Bulkhead, Prime, Megs, Screamer, Grimlock, and Deluxes Blackarachnia and Lockdown.
To see all this awesomeness, click here.

From the 1992 Transformers to Transformers 2, check out this article on FilmSchoolRejects, which has pictures 'sniped' with camera phone. The article states that photos showing (2) Barricade(s) on trailer were taken yesterday, on a highway in Culver City, California. Where are they headed? Your guess is as good as ours. We
Operation: Combination, Turbomasters and Predators: OH MY! If these are foreign concepts to you, don't worry! You're not alone. Learn the basics in our all new 1992 Transformers Section, now available for your viewing, educational and checklist pleasure! It was the second and only other year in Transformers history that
In 1997 first came online for the purpose of displaying pictures of our Transformers toy Alterations. Now, over 10 years later, we are returning to our roots! Today, we are thrilled to announce our totally revamped and reborn Alterations Blog.
We now have a totally interactive database of Alterations. The new
Don't forget, another all new episode of Transformers Animated airs
this weekend Saturday and Sunday 9:30 and 10 CST. For the first time
in awhile, we don't know much about this episode in advance as the
episode description is (thankfully) spoiler free. What did *you*
Oh, and for those who celebrate the holiday, Happy Easter

Remember the days back in 1991, you probably thought that Generation 1 Transformers had come to an end, and like us, you were incorrect! One just had to look (a lot) harder to find the new toys! Now, permanently linked in the right hand navigation bar of our main index page, you'll find the all new 1991 Transformers Section,
... (28 comments) has reported an amazing list of Transformers Animated toys with UPC codes. Included in this revealing line-up:
Deluxe: Swindle, Blurr and Waspinator
Voyager: Skywarp, Wreck-Gar
Bring them on!!!

Chris Ryall, Editor-in-Chief of IDW posts a new teaser cover image for the upcoming miniseries "All Hail Megatron" on his personal blog Ryalltime.
Well, "handsome" is a bit of a stretch! Looking like a slightly overweight version of the actor who played Daddy Witwicky in Transformers complete with space suit (!?) and matching ~Roman helmet, that's the toy we got, way back in 1989! Fans <a-hem!> "cheered" for the return of this classic character, now in PRETENDER form
According to an article on, Shia LaBeouf was set to stand trial for a unlawful smoking misdemeanor in Burbank, LA. But neither he or his attorney appeared in court. A $1,000 bench warrant was issued for Shia's arrest.
In other, more uplifting news, Botcon "Shattered Glass" figures have shown up on Ebay in package! Heroic Starscream

A user on has posted images of two new Transformers Animated Happy Meal figures: Optimus Prime and Megatron (scroll a ways down to see the image of him). As of now, it is not known who else will be in this set, what restaurant chain will carry them, or when they will be released.
Click here to see the images.
Also, TFW2005 has

New images are surfacing of the Transformers Animated toys. has new images of Voyager Earth Mode Optimus Prime. These images focus heavily on his gun.
TFW2005 has new images of Voyager Grimlock comparing him in size to Deluxe Cybertron Mode Optimus Prime. They also have new images of the packaging and bio of Voyager Lugnut.

TFW2005 Boards Member Bête Noire has translated the short manga that comes with the Henkei! Henkei! Transformers (Japanese TF Classics).
Click here to see the scanlated manga.
Bête Noire has also gone and translated the Tech Specs of Megatron, Starscream, Convoy (Optimus Prime), Bumble (Bumblebee), Grimlock, and Rijie (Mirage).

This news is a bit old, but Hasbro has posted an overview of some of the new Movie line figures for 2008.
These include the Allspark Power repaints of Bumblebee, Jazz, Brawl (Deluxe), and Barricade (with a RED Frenzy). Each of these features added blue paint to their bodies like the rest of the Allspark Power figures.
Also listed is the Premium

Some of you may have seen this, but there is a new Transformers Animated commercial floating around on from YTV. It features several Season 2 spoilers including the Cybertron Elite Guard and a familiar face.
Click Here to see the clip.

Hey everybody! Today's episode of Transformers: Animated is HEADMASTER! What did you think? How many references did you notice?
(32 comments) has reported that Michigan has now also been scouted as a possible location for Transformers 2, in addition to Philadelphia and others.
Also, Michael Bay's official website has been updated with a countdown clock counting down the days, hours, minutes and seconds until the movie sequel is released.
A word of advice: the

I'm not terribly crazy about an Autobot being named after a weapon which according to (real life) international treaty has been banned for cruelty and unintended harm inflicted to countless innocent civilians throughout the world...
Needless to say, the toys and characters are pretty darn cool. For example, you already know

According to, a man from Las Vegas has decorated his car to resemble the vehicle mode of Barricade from the live-action Transformers movie.
Click here to see the report on this custon job.

Check out Chis Ryall's blog to see two of Nick Roche's variant covers for the Revelation spotlight issues: CYCLONUS and HARDHEAD. Pretty awesome covers; can't wait to see the insides.
Following up on a post in the IDW Forums by Editor in Chief, Chris Ryall, (thanks to tfw2005 for the heads up) we confirmed a few exciting items:
When asked if IDW Publishing will be producing original Transformers Animated comics and stories, Chris told us:
"New stuff is in the works now."
He also confirmed the forthcoming Wheelie Spotlight is,

Apparently, I just couldn't get enough Grimlock from those TFA pix released yesterday! To help us all get our fix, I thought it would be a good time to finish off an all new character page for the Grimlock of 1997 Beast Wars. Thanks to Byrerprime for the original character profile text compilation and IDW for publishing such
Check out the newest entry on the blog of Chris Ryall, IDW Editor-In-Chief where he talks about the final installment in Simon Furman's "-tion" series, "Revelation" which will be done as 4 Spotlight issues. He makes Cyclonus and Hardhead Spotlights official by showing cover images by EJ Su. He also shows some rough (but nice looking)
Check out the first pictures we've seen of Transformers Animated Grimlock in color on Also, check out tfw2005 for more pictures of the toy, including robot mode! Dang that looks awesome!
Transformers: Zone has been added to the 1990 page. Now can you guess what's next?
Today the latest episode of Transformers Animated, Survival of the Fittest airs. What do you think?
Most of you are familiar with Scorponok from the movie. Many of you are also familiar with the Decepticon Headmaster leader the first TF to carry the name, and the character prominently featured in Energon. Now available for you viewing pleasure, check out the latest addition: Beast Wars Scorponok, one of the original Predacon s
In the blink of an eye, the first ebay auction for Lugnut in color has sold for $150. What a bargin! For those who prefer to wait until it's in stores for ~$25 you can see lots of nice pictures on the auction page and dream of June/July! Thanks to for the heads up.
If you haven't done so already, be sure to check out the very cool list of character bios and "tech specs" now available on for the characters of Transformers Animated series who have made their appearance thus far. Included in all this sweetness is info on characters like Grimlock, Slag (Snarl :P) and Swoop, Soundwave and more!
Following the Headmasters and Masterforce series was Victory. One of the most popular Japanese G1 cartoons and toylines can now be found in the 1989 section.
Hope you enjoy, and I guess you can figure out what's next.
It got mentioned in a discussion on the 28th but I think it's worth another mention that the Botcon attendee exclusive toy of Ricochet is now shown on the Botcon website.
It has colors that look like a joint homage to the TV show Starsky & Hutch and the Stunticon Dead End and is derived from the Cybertron Crosswise mold that Botcon Jazz uses

Check out these auctions for the first public pictures of Animated Ratchet in-box. There were previously pictures of the front of the box up in the members only section of the Official Transformers Collectors Club as a Toyfair perk to members). Also up is one of the first seen auctions for Animated Blackarachnia (also in-box). Does this mean that
Here we are with the long awaited, exciting conclusion to's Trip to ToyFair 2008! If you missed our first reports check them out:
Report From ToyFair 2008, part-1
TOYFAIR Reveiw, Part 2
After the power point presentation the floor was opened for a quick Q&A. The questions mostly involved Indiana Jones and Star Wars. However, our

Don't forget, another all new episode of Transformers Animated will air this weekend (Saturday and Sunday). For those anxious for the return of the Decepticons, the wait is soon over, Blitzwing and Lugnut are back! What did you think?
Also, we never got on track w/ a discussion of the Arcee Spotlight comic released this week.

For any of you who may have been sitting on the fence, today (March 1, 2008) is the last day for pre-registration for Dairycon. You can go straight to the pre-reg page or to the Dairycon site for more info.
(1 comments) has been updated, confirming the rumors that they have, officially sold out of toy
packages and have unveiled a new, "Energon Package." Located
in-between "Primus" and "Mini-con," the Energon pack includes everything of the Primus set, except no toys... Here's are the details:
"The demand for this year's BotCon figure

If you're a fan in the Pacific Northwest (U.S.) have we got news for you! Mark Ryan the voice actor who played practically "all" robot roles during filming of the Transformers (behind the scenes for guys like Shia and Megan to work off of) and is the voice of Bumblebee in Transformers 1 & 2, will be making a special appearance at the
There 'aint no school, like old school baby! Check it out, the 1984 Transformers Section has received some polishing and TLC!
* Instructions Archive has been updated. Now, every '84 paper instruction sheet is linked to both from the character page jump box and archive.
* Package Art Archive has been updated, although there are not

The Botcon website has updated with images of Starscream and Razorclaw. These figures will be available in the 2008 Botcon boxed set. So check 'em out! Happy Viewing Everybody!
An image of the final 2008 exclusive was revealed today. Dairycon staffers confirmed that this was indeed the final Dairycon exclusive for the 2008 show. "There's Domino, who you haven't seen a picture of yet. Then there's the un-named red and blue Brawn, which is the regular raffle exclusive. And now there's this picture, of a *very*
Okay, so in light of Transformers losing it's Oscars, I think one of the highlights is this commercial. There is just so much to see in this commercial, such as the animatronic Bumblebee standing in the background. You can also see a sculpt of Bumblebee's head on his desk behind him. So check it out! The commerical is up
Ebay seller etoyshunter comes through again with high resolution pics of TF: Animated Voyager Optimus Prime. Of note, is that these are the first ever pictures of a painted Animated Prime with his face shield down, not to mention some the the best pictures to date.

The Allspark reports here that Transformers did not win an Oscar in any of the 3 categories it was nominated: Achievement in Visual Effects, Sound Mixing or Sound Editing. The opening sequence of the awards show did however feature a scene with Megatron, Starscream and Bonecrusher!
Also check out this week's edition of Matt

Masterforce Arrives on Unicron.com1 The 1988 section has been updated with cleaned up images and names above each box. Oh, and the Japanese Masterforce toys have been added to the bottom. An episode guide with titles has been added to the left side.
In related news, prototype shots of the "The Heroic Starscream" (decoed in the style and colors of ... (15 comments)

So Leader class toys become £29.99
Legends class become £2.24
Cyberslammers become £5.99
Deluxes are £8.24 and so on.
Many stores are now stocking the two latest Cyberslammers ... (6 comments)

Comic artist, Alex Milne, has posted a 5-page preview of the the Arcee Spotlight due in this Wednesday. While there, be sure to check out his other work w/ comments! So Sari looks a little more <a-hem!> mature than I'm used to, here she is w/ Dinobots small / large, Sari & ... (21 comments)

We met up in Penn Station, had a Krispy ... (16 comments)

Just a heads up, to let everyone know, our complete report from ToyFair 2008 is coming. Our good 'Friends' ... (21 comments)

Dairycon staffers confirmed that this would be one of the items given away at this year's show. "There's Domino, which is the PreReg exclusive," he said. "And then there's this fellow. He's one of the Raffle items."
That means ... (5 comments)

We can expect to see upcoming products from: The Incredible Hulk, Indiana Jones, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Star Wars: The Clone Wars and of course Transformers.
Here is what they had to say ... (7 comments)

Good news for everyone looking forward to Transformers 2 and its hopeful release in the summer of 2009. CNN is reporting the Writer's ... (8 comments)

Here's some images of my own I took to confirm this :
CLIFFJUMPER ... (18 comments)

Stay tuned, our complete report from NYC ToyFair will be posted as it happens next weekend!
Now for a ... (13 comments)

Once again, it looks as though the folks at Dairycon have outdone themselves with their unique Dairycon-style. If you ... (13 comments)

Thanks to for the heads-up. (11 comments)

Congrats to Steve Jablonsky, composer of the Transformers Movie orchestral score whose brilliant work, Autobots "Arrival to Earth" was played moments before kickoff, while Troy Aikman talked up hype ... (15 comments)

UK Tesco stores are now stocking the Transformers The Movie Allspark Battle Legends Twin packs they so far have Night Watch Optimus Vs Stealth Starscream and Rescue Ratchet Vs Brawl. These are available in most normal sized Tesco and Tesco Superstores now for £5.97 per pack.
They have also in some case ... (5 comments)

You'll also ... (17 comments)

* G1 Perceptor character page updated w/ new toy pictures & thanks to Blasten Blaster, a stop motion transformation video!
* I've updated the character Vector Prime c.p. to include original concept ... (17 comments)

Also for your future reference, please note we have put a small Transformers Animated banner in the middle of the left column of ... (26 comments)

It's been reported that this year's Dairycon PreReg exclusive will be
called 'Domino'.
"As in previous years, there will be multiple exclusives", A Dairyon
spokesman was quoted as saying. "Normally, we keep these quiet until
the day of the show. This year, we thought we'd let you know early."
Why? Because as it

The book's premise is to offer an inside ... (21 comments)

So, what did everybody think? I thought it was mind-blowingly AWESOME! Lets hear your thoughts! (74 comments)

... "Check out our newly uploaded 2008 Transformers Section ... (27 comments)

- Search for upcoming toys, [animated bulkhead]

Check out to see this all new official chapter in the history of Cybertron! It is, as they put it, "the long ... (11 comments)

The interesting thing about him is that it's not the same toy as the Argos Exclusive UK version shown here which came out some months ago, it gains loads of ... (8 comments)

Alt Mode: Nice looking alt mode. A little weird for ... (40 comments)

After weeks of poor and/or inconsistant distribution has their Masterpiece Starscream up for online orders. I know this will be a great relief to many of you who have been searching any Walmart you can get to. You can click here to go right to the MP SS page at to order yours. is going to