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Transformers on Blu-Ray DVD

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Anonymous at 2008-09-01 4:59 pm

The Associated Press reports that Transformers will finally be released on high-definition Blu-Ray DVD tomorrow.  It's worthy to note, the article states that some 240,000 people bought Transformers in the now obsolete HD format.  Sorry suckas (including us)  it's time for an upgrade!  Of the release, Michael Bay has said,

"This is the complete high-definition package for fans of this film -- it looks stunning and really allows you to engage with this movie in new ways. Remember, I told everyone Blu-ray is the best."

Thanks to Larry bringing this article to our attention.

KilledbyDeath said,  - 2008-09-01 19:54:34
Is this going to have the added scene that was added in i-max?
Sabrblade said,  - 2008-09-01 20:11:38
I doubt it. Bay said that the full version of the movie would never be released to the public. And this was said before Bay said he would give out false movie info.

And there were several added scenes n the IMAX version, not just one.
Jumpercliff said,  - 2008-09-02 12:13:13
Wow, now that's a lot of buyers!
Bgrngod said,  - 2008-09-02 14:09:31
The IMAX version will probably be released a year from now once everyone has bought a BR version.
Rhinoxfan said,  - 2008-09-02 18:09:43
i really dont need a million copies of the movie lol
KilledbyDeath said,  - 2008-09-02 18:57:51
That makes no sense. Why would he keep the "full version" to himself? I do remember reading that somewhere also. I'm sure by putting that out he would be guaranteed more buyers. That is the only way I would buy the movie again. He is a strange dude.
Human Error said,  - 2008-09-02 20:21:12
The additional scenes dont really add much to the movie its just more human stuff.

The only one i really liked was the extended scene with the sheriff but, only because i grew up watching the actor who played the sheriff (Rick Gomez) on "The Adventures of Pete and Pete" and was happy to see him again. **Endless Mike Rocks!!**

I havent picked it up yet because im a little broke after dumping a ton of money to fix my car but, from what i understand the Blu-ray release is almost identical to the Hd-Dvd version (As far as the features are concerned)

P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Cheetor2!!! ill be celebrating mine in 27 days :-)

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