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Transformers Goes Mobile

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TriPredRavage at 2008-07-31 3:06 pm

New on, you can see a video for Transformers: G1 Awakening.  The video has no audio, so I don't know what's really going on, but from the looks of it, it's a tactics style game where you can play as many of the G1 cast of characters.  It even looks like you can play as the Decepticons.  So, will you roll out the mobile way?

Barricade said,  - 2008-07-31 20:55:30
I hope my Nokia will support it! It looks like a fun game just to see all the G1 guys!
TriPredRavage said,  - 2008-07-31 21:19:39
And it's straight up G1, too. It's kinda surprising when you think about it, considering how much of a success the movie and animated have been. Who knows? Maybe they'll make a Beast Wars game next!
Autobutt said,  - 2008-07-31 22:59:17
Thats really not fair how they made maybe the best G1 game yet for cell phones!
starscreamnumba1 said,  - 2008-08-01 09:20:41
it looks alrite considerin its a mobile game But when are they gonna start makin anotha g1 game thats for like ps2 nintendo ds wii....

On the other hand this looks like an old arcade game which are realli cr**
KilledbyDeath said,  - 2008-08-01 18:27:46
Ugh it looks like some lame rpg strategy game. Pass.
Jumpercliff said,  - 2008-08-01 18:35:26
I'd like that for my phone.
REO PRIME said,  - 2008-08-06 23:21:14
I really want an XBOX 360 G1 game. I like the movie game and I like Animated, Beast Wars and even all of the reincarnations of Armada, but G1 is where it is at hands down. I would even love this strategy game for the PS 2! Bethesda Softworks has made some really great games for PS 2 and 360. They could make an excellent G1 game. All I wanna go is fight Prime vs Megatron or Galvatron for that matter! They tried Ultra Magnus already on that terrible old school famicom game already!

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