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Alterations Blog - How To: Chapter 1

Posted by:
Jason at 2008-06-27 1:15 pm

New from the Alterations Blog, we have the first chapter in our exclusive Alterations How To Articles from none other than Transformers Alteration Master Shinobitron. Check out Chapter 1 How To: Set up - Getting into gear in the Alterations Blog, and keep an eye out for more chapters/tutorials coming soon from this published professional (page 2) Alterations Master!

lord megatron said,  - 2008-06-27 14:05:54
hmmmm....looks good! btw, Jason did you get the pics of my latest custom via Yahoo? Its of another certain Dawn of the Futures' Past character.
Slashwing said,  - 2008-06-27 22:06:41
Time to learn to kitbash!
I found this really cool pic at were universe is compared side by side with binaltech prowl. Anyone knows anything about the cool hangar they are being displayed in ?
here´s the Url
Jason said,  - 2008-06-27 22:40:06
LM, I've seen some work in progress pictures come through, but nothing finished. Did you send some finished pictures?
Human Error said,  - 2008-06-28 11:30:59
You know, seeing all these alterations has really inspired me to pick up the old brushes and such, and get crackin on my own once again. Maybe ill finally do that Sam figure ive been thinking about first.
Slaswhing said,  - 2008-06-29 09:31:10
Hmm....I think that some cybertron legends would be great as pretender inner robots,you guys have any suggestions about figures that could work as shell parts?
lord megatron said,  - 2008-06-29 18:19:12
I sent some but for some reason it takes forever to reach you, don't know why. I'm going to try and send you another e-mail with them attached. It might be a while so don't wait on me.
Human Error said,  - 2008-06-29 18:23:03
If you want to go for a classic kind of feel may i suggest, rescue heroes? i dont know thats what i would use for starters. even some of the "Planet Heroes" could work. like check this dude out:
Slashwing said,  - 2008-06-30 09:24:28
Impressive, really good armors Human Error, they might work. I just gotta find a way to give them proper heads and helmets=)
and thanks lord Megatron I´ll check my e-mail if they arrived.
Slashwing said,  - 2008-06-30 09:38:39
BTW my current E-mail is
lord megatron said,  - 2008-06-30 15:13:36
no, no, I didn't mean you, Slashwing, I meant Jason. I really need to start being more specific! I was supposed to send him some pics of my new custom, this thing is pretty sweet! He's probably my most impressive custom yet!

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