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Transformers: Animated; The Game video

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TriPredRavage at 2008-08-03 7:57 pm

KalelPrime, transfan and avid reviewer, has uploaded a video to youtube that features the first look at TFA the Game.  You can check it out here.  The video isn't the best quality, but you can see some pretty cool stuff going on.  If I hear correctly, the Decepticons are being led by "Megatron and Lockdown".  Well that's an interesting turn of events!

Sabrblade said,  - 2008-08-03 20:34:56
Okay, I'm back now.

The first trailer is meh, becuase its only show footage and zero game footage.

The second one is way better. This game looks pretty fun. The wall-jumping looks very Mario-esque. The driving and fighting on the road looks fun, especially with BB's turbo boosters. And as for when Prime was driving then transforming into robot mode, like what Daniel asked him in the Career Day short, "Where does your trailer go when turn into a robot?" (he doesn't know either, guys. LOL)
Jumpercliff said,  - 2008-08-04 18:05:19
That looks like one heck of a game.
Rydejet said,  - 2008-08-13 09:55:11
cool i wonder if you coeld be a decepticon

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