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*UPDATED* Actual Toy Images of TFClub Battle Rollar.

Posted by:
Sabrblade at 2008-08-03 10:07 pm

Previously, we reported the announcement of TFC-EX002 Battle Rollar (A.K.A. Masterpiece Roller),  which had mostly mixed feedback.

Now TFClub has updated there site with a huge amount of pictures featuring their 'Battle Rollar' product.

Pictures shown of Battle Rollar include preview art and prototype images, but further down, images of the actual toy are seen: Robot mode, roller/scout mode, and pictures of it being used as a jetpack on MP Ultra Magnus, Movie Leader Prime, and Classics Prime.

Check it out by clicking the link above.


A recent auction for TFClub's exclusive 'Battle Rollar' has shown up on, which shows us a new image that shows us all the accessories that come with Battle Rollar. Click here to see the auction and the picture. 

Autobutt said,  - 2008-08-03 23:04:38
WOW! Thats so cool. He has different modes and he fits onto the 3 best Primes!
lord megatron said,  - 2008-08-04 14:19:27
A very nice bootleg! I may have to pick this bad boy up. Though, I don't think that I'll be putting him with my masterpiece Prime for the simple fact that it transforms. I know, I know, thats not much a deal, but it just wouldn't feel right to put it next to MP-01. He seems to have more of a "Classics" feel to him.
Rhinoxfan said,  - 2008-08-04 14:37:53
simply amazing. a must buy!
Sabrblade. said,  - 2008-08-04 14:38:24
Bootleg! This is no bootleg, its a custom. Big difference.
Rhinoxfan said,  - 2008-08-04 14:43:02
ya stupid lol
Black Starscream said,  - 2008-08-04 15:25:42
Looks coold but i don't get it. Are there three different rollers they're selling? And all of them hapen to link up with prime and magnus?
The Magnus trailor looks like powermaster prime's trailor.
Sabrblade said,  - 2008-08-04 18:02:15
No, this is one Roller/ar with several modes: Robot mode, Earth vehicle mode, Cybertronian vehicle mode, War Within Cybertronian vehicle mode, Masterpiece backpack mode, Movie/Classics/Henkei backpack mode (with the option of with or without War Within mode armor added onto it).

My only peeves about this figure is that its only a custom (meaning its only available online and limited), and that he's BLUE instead of SILVER/GRAY (which is what I was hoping for, perhaps they'll make a recolor of it).
Jumpercliff said,  - 2008-08-04 18:05:56
Sabrblade said,  - 2008-08-04 18:13:18
Because Hasbro won't listen to us. (Besides, it was Takara that made the so-called MP-04 Convoy Perfect Edition that lacked Roller, not Hasbro.)
lord megatron said,  - 2008-08-04 21:56:34
I thought it was a bootleg. If it were a custom I'm pretty sure that they would've used parts from other transformers figures to create Roller. I thought that's what defines a custom. Anyhow, this is clearly bootleg material due to its (smaller)mass-productivity. Bootleg items are mass-produced items that have been produced illegaly without rights from whatever product that they happen to be boot-legging. Btw, don't call me stupid. ;D
King Bee said,  - 2008-08-05 10:09:41
Has anyone noticed that Roller doesn't actally fit straight/flat inside the MP trailer? It looks as though the left set of wheels fits inside the hinges of the driveway while the right set extends beyond the hinges on the other side. This means it cannot sit flat inside the trailer when closed. Although this is just a technicality, it makes it imperfect. The figure looks nice, but you can tell that it was not made with the MP trailer specs in mind. Just an observation.
Sabrblade said,  - 2008-08-05 15:17:55
No, Lord Megs, it is not a bootleg. A Bootleg, or Knockoff, is a copy of an official product sold under a different company's name and is usually in less quality than the real thing.

What your thinking of is a Kitbash (or, as calls them, Toy Alteration), not a bootleg.

This Roller is a Custom, made entirely from scratch. It is not a bootleg in that it is not a copy of the official Roller product, but an entirely new mold BASED on the real Roller toy.
Ultra Magnets said,  - 2008-08-05 16:23:02
Ow! Knowledge = you got Pwned!

Really though, Sabrblade pretty much summed it up and is right on the money.
KilledbyDeath said,  - 2008-08-05 20:25:38
File this under "Soon to be WAY OVERPRICED" at all locations.
Rhinoxfan said,  - 2008-08-06 13:30:54
sorry lord megatron j/p dont take it personally. anywho this product is pretty awesome. i didnt even realze it was all one product which makes it even better
Sabrblade said,  - 2008-08-06 13:38:29
Not one product? What'd ya think was, Rhinoxfan?
lord megatron said,  - 2008-08-06 18:30:54
lol! Thats ok Rhinoxfan, I knew you were joking. Ah, so that's what discriminates bootlegs and customs! Ok, I get it now.
Rhinoxfan said,  - 2008-08-07 11:43:54
Black Starscream said,  - 2008-08-08 13:06:15
The way they show it on their site it really does look like three rollers

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