Transformers Toy List - 2014

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Transformers Toy List - 2014... 

Movie AOE 2014
(74 toys)
Takara - Movie Advanced 2014
(55 toys)
Kre-O 2014
(40 toys)
Generations 2014
(31 toys)
Construct-Bots 2014
(27 toys)
Rescue Bots 2014
(23 toys)
3rd Party 2014
(16 toys)
Angry Birds 2014
(16 toys)
Hero Mashers 2014
(15 toys)
Timelines 2014
(13 toys)
Transformers (2014) 2014
(13 toys)
TF Prime 2014
(13 toys)
Takara - Legends 2014
(12 toys)
Platinum Edition 2014
(9 toys)
Takara - Collector's Edition (G1) 2014
(6 toys)
Takara - Generations 2014
(6 toys)
Takara - Masterpiece 2014
(5 toys)
Other 2014
(4 toys)
Masterpiece 2014
(3 toys)
Crossovers 2014
(1 toys)
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Other - 2014

[ list all Other ]

Assortment #SDCC - SDCC

Dinobots Generation One 4-Pack (Grimlock, Snarl, Dinobot Slug, Strafe)
sgt rvw
Knights of Unicron (SDCC Exclusive - Optimus Prime, Jazz, Megatron, Soundwave
sgt rvw
Kreo Class of 1984 - Arcee Bluestreak Brawn Bumblebee Cliffjumper Frenzy Gears Hound Huffer Ironhide Jazz Megatron Mirage Optimus Prime Perceptor Prowl Ratchet Rumble Shockwave Sideswipe Shrapnel Soundwave Starscream Sunstreaker Thundercracker Trailbreaker Ultra Magnus Wheeljack Windcharger
sgt rvw
Titan Warriors (SDCC ComicCon 5-Pack) Optimus Prime, Grimlock, Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave
sgt rvw
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Timelines - 2014

[ list all Timelines ]

Assortment - BotCon Exclusive

Alpha Trizer, Knight Apelinq, Flare Up
inst pkg sgt rvw
Dread Pirate Crew
sgt rvw
Pirate Hunter and Pirate Brimstone
sgt rvw
Pirates vs. Knights Boxed Set: Cannonball, Derak, Scorponok, Devcon, Ginrai
sgt rvw
Primal Prime (Customization Excl)
sgt rvw

Assortment #TFCC - TFCC

Barricade with Frenzy (TFCC)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Chromedome with Stylor (TFCC)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Fisitron (Ironfist) - (TFCC)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Rampage / Protoform X
sgt rvw
Rewind with Eject (TFCC)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Thrustinator (Waspinator/Thrust) - (TFCC)
inst pkg sgt rvw
sgt rvw
Treadshot with Catgut (TFCC)
inst pkg sgt rvw
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Crossovers - 2014

[ list all Crossovers ]

Assortment #Marvel Legends - Marvel Legends

Death's Head (Marvel Infinity Series)
sgt rvw
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Generations - 2014

[ list all Generations ]

Assortment #basic - basic

Acid Storm & Venin
inst pkg sgt rvw
Cliffjumper & Suppressor
sgt rvw
Cosmos & Sky High
pkg sgt rvw
Gears & Autobot Eclipse
inst pkg sgt rvw
Nemesis Prime & Spinister
sgt rvw
Skrapnel & Reflector
inst pkg sgt rvw
Swerve & Blast Master
inst pkg sgt rvw
Tailgate & Groundbuster
inst pkg sgt rvw

Assortment #Deluxe - Deluxe2

sgt rvw
Armada Starscream (Generations Deluxe)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Centuritron: Mini-Con Assault Team (Windshear, Heavytread and Runway)
inst pkg sgt rvw
inst pkg sgt rvw
inst pkg sgt rvw
inst pkg sgt rvw
sgt rvw
inst pkg sgt rvw
inst pkg sgt rvw
Rattrap (Deluxe)
inst pkg sgt rvw
inst pkg sgt rvw
inst pkg sgt rvw
Skywarp (Fall of Cybertron)
inst pkg sgt rvw
inst pkg sgt rvw
inst pkg sgt rvw
inst pkg sgt rvw

Assortment #Voyager - Voyager

Autobot Whirl
inst pkg sgt rvw
inst pkg sgt rvw
sgt rvw
inst pkg sgt rvw
Roadbuster (Voyager)
inst pkg sgt rvw
inst pkg sgt rvw

Assortment #Leader - Leader

Jetfire (Leader)
inst pkg sgt rvw
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Kre-O - 2014

[ list all Kre-O ]

Assortment #misc-0 - Micro-Changers

Alpha Trion (Kre-O Microchanger)
sgt rvw
Autobot Kup (Kre-O Microchanger)
sgt rvw
Barrage (Kre-O Microchanger)
sgt rvw
Brake-Neck (Kre-O Microchanger)
sgt rvw
Brawn (Kre-O Microchanger)
sgt rvw
Cyclonus (Kre-O Microchanger)
sgt rvw
Demolishor (Kre-O Microchanger)
sgt rvw
Iceberg (Kre-O Microchanger)
sgt rvw
Rhinox (Kre-O Microchanger)
sgt rvw
Rodimus (Kre-O Microchanger)
sgt rvw
Slipstrike (Kre-O Microchanger)
sgt rvw

Assortment #Custom Kreon - Custom Kreon

Autobot Drift (Custom Kreon)
sgt rvw
Autobot Hound (Custom Kreon Set)
sgt rvw
Autobot Jazz (Custom Kreon Set)
sgt rvw
Autobot Ratchet (Custom Kreon)
sgt rvw
Bumblebee (Custom Kreon)
sgt rvw
Cliffjumper (Custom Kreon Set)
sgt rvw
Crosshairs (Custom Kreon)
sgt rvw
Dinobot Slug (Custom Kreon)
sgt rvw
Dreadwing (Custom Kreon Set)
sgt rvw
Galvatron (AoE Custom Kreon)
sgt rvw
Galvatron (G1 Custom Kreon)
sgt rvw
Grimlock (Custom Kreon)
sgt rvw
Hound (Custom Kreon)
sgt rvw
Lockdown (Custom Kreon)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Optimus Prime (Custom Kreon)
sgt rvw
Predaking (Custom Kreon Set)
sgt rvw
Scorn (Custom Kreon)
sgt rvw
Strafe (Custom Kreon)
sgt rvw

Assortment #Combiner - Combiner

Grimstone (Kre-O Microchanger with Mollox, Ironeye, Crackback & Iquanox)
sgt rvw
Lazerbolt (Microchanger Combiner with Freezeout, Bullhorn, Roadhound, Floodgate)
sgt rvw
Obsidian (Combined form of Bullwark, Freefall, Hemocron, Stronghorn)
sgt rvw
Volcanicon (Combined form of: Farside, Liftoff, Lugmutt, Power Surge)
sgt rvw

Assortment #misc-2 - medium

Cell Block Breakout (Kre-O with Bumblebee and Strafe)
sgt rvw
Dinobot Charge (Kre-O with Drift and Slug)
sgt rvw
Galvatron Factory Battle (Kre-O, with Optimus Prime and Bumblebee)
sgt rvw
Grimlock Street Attack (Kre-O with Optimus Prime and Vehicons)
pkg sgt rvw
Lockdown Air Raid (Kre-O with Hound and Sideswipe)
sgt rvw
Optimus Prime Dino Hauler (Kre-O, with Ratchet)
sgt rvw
Scorn Street Chase (Kre-O with Crosshairs)
sgt rvw
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Rescue Bots - 2014

[ list all Rescue Bots ]

Assortment - Figure Pack

Bumblebee and Scrapmaster (Rescue Bots 2-Pack)
pkg sgt rvw
Heatwave and Cody Burns (Rescue Bots 2-Pack)
sgt rvw
Optimus Prime and T-rex (Rescue Bots 2-Pack)
pkg sgt rvw
Silver Force Optimus Prime & Bumblebee (Target exclusive)
sgt rvw

Assortment - Mini Dino

Blades the Rescue Dinobot (Mini Dino)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Boulder the Rescue Dinobot (Mini Dino)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Chase the Rescue Dinobot (Mini Dino)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Heatwave the Rescue Dinobot (Mini Dino)
sgt rvw

Assortment - Rescan

Blades the Flight-Bot (Rescan - rescue jet)
pkg sgt rvw
Boulder the Construction-Bot (Rescan - dump truck)
sgt rvw
Bumblebee (Rescan - motorcycle)
sgt rvw
Bumblebee (Rescan 2 - Dino)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Chase The Police-Bot (Rescan - rescue SUV)
sgt rvw
Heatwave the Fire-bot (Rescan - fireboat)
sgt rvw
Optimus Primal (Rescan 2 - Dino)
pkg sgt rvw
Optimus Prime (Rescan - monster truck)
inst pkg sgt rvw

Assortment #Epic12 - Epic12

Blades (Epic 12)
sgt rvw
Boulder (Epic 12)
sgt rvw
Chase (Epic 12)
sgt rvw
Heatwave (Epic 12)
sgt rvw
Optimus Prime (Rescue Bots, Epic)
sgt rvw

Assortment - Electronic Figure

Heatwave the Rescue Dinobot (Electronic toys)
sgt rvw
Optimus Primal
pkg sgt rvw
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TF Prime - 2014

[ list all TF Prime ]

Assortment #A1629 - Beast Hunters "Cyberverse" Legion

Ace Vehicon
inst pkg sgt rvw
sgt rvw
sgt rvw
Rot Gut
sgt rvw

Assortment #A2067 - Beast Hunters "Cyberverse" Commander

Bludgeon (Beast Hunters - Cyberverse Commander)
sgt rvw
Ultra Magnus (Beast Hunters Cyberverse Commander)
sgt rvw
Unicron Megatron (Beast Hunters - Cyberverse Commander)
sgt rvw

Assortment #A1518 - Beast Hunters - Deluxe

Bumblebee (Beast Hunters 2014)
sgt rvw
sgt rvw
sgt rvw
sgt rvw

Assortment - Voyager

Optimus Prime (2014 Beast Hunters Voyager)
sgt rvw
Predaking (2014 Beast Hunters Voyager)
sgt rvw
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Construct-Bots - 2014

[ list all Construct-Bots ]

Assortment #A6150 - Dinobot Riders

Bumblebee - Construct-Bots, Dinobot Riders
sgt rvw
Crosshairs - Construct-Bots, Dino Riders
sgt rvw
Drift - Construct-Bots, Dino Riders
sgt rvw
Galvatron (Dino Riders)
sgt rvw
Hound - Construct-Bots, Dino Riders
sgt rvw
Lockdown - Construct-Bots, Dino Riders
sgt rvw
Optimus Prime - Construct-Bots, Dino Riders
sgt rvw
Starscream (Dino Riders)
sgt rvw

Assortment - Scout

Grimlock (Construct Bots)
sgt rvw
Scorn (Construct-Bots)
sgt rvw
Slash (Construct Bots)
sgt rvw
Slug (Construct Bots)
sgt rvw
Strafe (Construct Bots)
sgt rvw

Assortment - Elite

Bulkhead - Construct-Bots Triple Team
sgt rvw
Bumblebee (Beast Hunters, Construct-Bots)
sgt rvw
Optimus Prime (Beast Hunters, Construct Bots)
sgt rvw
Ripclaw - Construct-Bots
sgt rvw
Shockwave - Construct-Bots
sgt rvw
Skystalker - Construct-Bots
sgt rvw
Starscream - Beast Hunters, Construct-Bots
sgt rvw
Unicron Megatron - Construct-Bots Triple Team
sgt rvw

Assortment #A6149 - Dinobot Warriors

Bumblebee with Nosedive- Construct-Bots Dinobot Warriors
sgt rvw
Drift with Roughneck - Construct-Bots Dinobot Warriors
pkg sgt rvw
Hound with Wide Load- Construct-Bots Dinobot Warriors
sgt rvw
Lockdown with Hangnail - Construct-Bots Dinobot Warriors
sgt rvw
Optimus Prime with Gnaw - Construct-Bots Dinobot Warriors
sgt rvw

Assortment - Ultimate

Dinofire Grimlock - Construct-Bots
sgt rvw
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Platinum Edition - 2014

[ list all Platinum Edition ]

Assortment #misc2 - misc2

Autobots United - Optimus Prime, Hound, Bumblebee, Crosshairs, Drift)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Breakout Battle ("Farmageddon") - Optimus Prime, Crankcase, Rollbar
sgt rvw
Dinobots Unleashed 5-Pack (Slog, Grimlock, Scorn, Slug, Strafe)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Generations Leader 2-pack - Grimlock and Optimus Prime
sgt rvw
Optimus Prime w/ trailer and Sideswipe
sgt rvw
Predaking (Platinum Giftset, with Predacon Divebomb, Predacon Headstrong, Predacon Rampage, Predacon Razorclaw, and Predacon Torox)
sgt rvw
Voyager Optimus Prime & Grimlock Platinum Edition - Age of Extinction
sgt rvw
Year of the Horse Optimus Prime (Platinum)
sgt rvw
Year of the Horse Starscream (Platinum)
sgt rvw
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Takara - Generations - 2014

[ list all Takara - Generations ]

Assortment #deluxe - deluxe

TG-28 Megatron and Starscream, with Chop Shop and Waspinator
sgt rvw
TG-29 Sandstorm
sgt rvw
TG-30 Waspinator
sgt rvw
TG-31 Rhinox
sgt rvw
TG-32 Mini-con Combiner
sgt rvw
TG-33 Armada Starscream
sgt rvw
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3rd Party - 2014

[ list all 3rd Party ]

Assortment #FansToys - FansToys

FT-04(T,X,D,G) Scoria (Not Slag) sgt rvw

Assortment #Make Toys - Make Toys

Trash Talk (not Swerve) and Cogwheel (not Gears) inst pkg sgt rvw

Assortment #Mech Ideas - Mech Ideas

Gauntlet (not Ironfist) inst pkg sgt rvw

Assortment #Microblaze Creations - Microblaze Creations

Military Titans (not- Fall of Cybertron Onslaught) inst pkg sgt rvw

Assortment #Perfect Effect - Perfect Effect

Warden (Not MTMTE Fortress Maximus)
inst pkg sgt rvw

Assortment #Planet X - Planet X

PX-02 Caelus (not- Fall of Cybertron Swoop)
inst pkg sgt rvw
PX-03 Neptune (not Fall of Cybertron Sludge)
inst pkg sgt rvw

Assortment #Unique Toys - Unique Toys

Maniaking (not- Galvatron) inst sgt rvw

Assortment #FansProject - FansProject

CA-13 Diesel
sgt rvw
Function-X4 Sigma L (Not Mindwipe) sgt rvw
KA9 Kar Krash (Not G2 Breakdown) sgt rvw
LER-01 Columpio (Not Sludge) sgt rvw
LER-02 Cubrar (Not Slag) sgt rvw
WB004 Warbot Revolver Core (Not Roadbuster) sgt rvw
WB005 Warbot Recoiler (Not G1 Rack) sgt rvw
WB006 Warbot Riftshot Core (Not G1 Ruin) sgt rvw
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Movie AOE - 2014

[ list all Movie AOE ]

Assortment #Deluxe One-Step - One-Step Changers

Autobot Drift (auto, 1-step)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Autobot Drift (helicopter, 1-step)
sgt rvw
Autobot Hound (1-step)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Bumblebee (1-step)
sgt rvw
Crosshairs (1-step)
sgt rvw
Decepticon Stinger (1-step)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Dinobot Slash (1-step)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Dinobot Slug (1-step)
sgt rvw
Galvatron (1-step)
sgt rvw
Grimlock (1-step)
inst pkg sgt rvw
High Octane Bumblebee (1-step)
sgt rvw
Lockdown (1-step)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Megatron (1-step)
sgt rvw
Optimus Prime (1-step)
pkg sgt rvw
Prowl (1-step)
sgt rvw
Rollbar (1-step)
sgt rvw
Steeljaw (1-step)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Strafe (1-step)
sgt rvw

Assortment #A6147 - Power Battlers

Autobot Drift - AoE Power Battlers
sgt rvw
Autobot Hound - AoE Power Battlers
sgt rvw
Bumblebee - AoE Power Battlers
sgt rvw
Crosshairs - AoE Power Battlers
sgt rvw
Dinobot Slug - AoE Power Battlers
sgt rvw
Galvatron - AoE Power Battlers
sgt rvw
Grimlock - AoE Power Battlers
sgt rvw
High Octane Bumblebee - AoE Power Battlers
sgt rvw
Junkheap - AoE Power Battlers
sgt rvw
Lockdown - AoE Power Battlers
sgt rvw
Optimus Prime - AoE Power Battlers
sgt rvw
Scorn - AoE Power Battlers
sgt rvw
Snarl - AoE Power Battlers
sgt rvw
Strafe - AoE Power Battlers
inst pkg sgt rvw
Vehicon - AoE Power Battlers
sgt rvw

Assortment #Generations Deluxe - Generations Deluxe

Autobot Drift
inst pkg sgt rvw
Bumblebee (concept Camaro)
inst sgt rvw
inst pkg sgt rvw
Dinobot Slash
inst pkg sgt rvw
Dinobot Slug
inst pkg sgt rvw
High Octane Bumblebee
inst pkg sgt rvw
Hot Shot
sgt rvw
inst pkg sgt rvw
inst pkg sgt rvw
inst pkg sgt rvw
inst pkg sgt rvw

Assortment #A6143 - Flip & Change

Bumblebee AoE Flip & Change
sgt rvw
Grimlock - AoE Flip & Change
inst pkg sgt rvw
Lockdown - AoE Flip & Change
inst pkg sgt rvw
Optimus Prime - AoE Flip & Change
sgt rvw

Assortment #Voyager - Voyager

Autobot Drift (Voyager - helicopter)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Autobot Hound (AoE - Generations Voyager)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Evasion Mode Optimus Prime
inst pkg sgt rvw
inst pkg sgt rvw
Grimlock (AoE - Generations Voyager)
inst pkg sgt rvw
inst pkg sgt rvw

Assortment #Leader - Leader

Grimlock (AoE Generations - Leader)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Optimus Prime (AoE Leader Class)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Optimus Prime (AoE, 1st Edition, Leader)
inst pkg sgt rvw

Assortment - Target Exclusive

Silver Knight Optimus Prime (Target Excl)
sgt rvw
Silver Knight Optimus Prime & Grimlock (Construct-Bots, Target Excl)
sgt rvw
Silver Knight Optimus Prime and Grimlock
inst pkg sgt rvw

Assortment #TRU Exclusive - TRU Exclusive

Bumblebee Evolution 2-pack, TRU
inst pkg sgt rvw
Dinobot Slug Evolution 2-Pack
sgt rvw
Evolution Grimlock 2-Pack
inst pkg sgt rvw
Strafe Evolution 2-Pack
sgt rvw

Assortment #Walmart Exclusive - Walmart Exclusive

Bumblebee (Legion)
sgt rvw
Bumblebee vs. Stinger with Strafe
inst pkg sgt rvw
Construct-Bots Bumblebee vs Stinger with Strafe
sgt rvw
Grimlock (AoE Legion)
sgt rvw
Legion Bumblebee with Strafe
sgt rvw
Legion Optimus Prime with Grimlock
sgt rvw
Legion Stinger vs Slug
sgt rvw
Optimus Prime (AoE Legion)
sgt rvw
Stinger (AoE Legion)
sgt rvw

Assortment #Super - Super

Grimlock - AoE Chomp and Stomp
pkg sgt rvw
↑ top

Takara - Collector's Edition (G1) - 2014

[ list all Takara - Collector's Edition (G1) ]

Assortment #Cloud - Cloud

sgt rvw
Hot Rodimus (Cloud)
sgt rvw
Megatron (Cloud)
sgt rvw
Optimus Prime (Cloud)
sgt rvw
Shockwave (Cloud)
sgt rvw
Starscream (Cloud)
sgt rvw
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Takara - Masterpiece - 2014

[ list all Takara - Masterpiece ]

Assortment #MP - MP

MP-12G Lambor G2 (Takara Masterpiece G2 Sideswipe)
inst pkg sgt rvw
MP-13B Soundblaster with Ratbat (Takara Masterpiece)
sgt rvw
MP-20 Wheeljack (Takara Masterpiece)
sgt rvw
MP-21 Bumble (Takara Masterpiece Bumblebee w/ Spike Witwicky)
sgt rvw
MP-22 Ultra Magnus (Takara Masterpiece)
sgt rvw
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Masterpiece - 2014

[ list all Masterpiece ]

Assortment - Masterpiece

Grimlock (2014 - Hasbro Masterpiece)
sgt rvw
Prowl (Masterpiece - Hasbro)
inst pkg sgt rvw
Sunstorm (Masterpiece)
inst pkg sgt rvw
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Hero Mashers - 2014

[ list all Hero Mashers ]

Assortment #A8335 - TFHM Figures

Bumblebee (Hero Mashers)
sgt rvw
Drift (Hero Mashers)
sgt rvw
Grimlock (Hero Mashers)
sgt rvw
Heatwave (Hero Mashers)
sgt rvw
Jetfire (Hero Mashers)
sgt rvw
Rodimus (Hero Masters)
sgt rvw
Soundwave (Hero Mashers)
sgt rvw
Springer (Hero Mashers)
sgt rvw
Starscream (Hero Mashers)
sgt rvw

Assortment #A8336 - Upgrade Figures

Bulkhead (Hero Mashers)
sgt rvw
Megatron (Hero Mashers)
sgt rvw
Optimus Prime (Hero Mashers)
sgt rvw
Slug (Hero Mashers)
sgt rvw

Assortment #electronic - electronic

Optimus Prime - electronic Hero Masher
sgt rvw

Assortment #2-pack - 2-pack

Swoop and Bumblebee (Hero Mashers)
sgt rvw
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Takara - Movie Advanced - 2014

[ list all Takara - Movie Advanced ]

Assortment #Deluxe - AD**

AD01 Optimus Prime (Takara - Movie Advanced)
sgt rvw
AD02 Classic Optimus Prime AD02 (Takara - Movie Advanced)
sgt rvw
AD03 Grimlock (Takara - Movie Advanced)
sgt rvw
AD04 Classic Bumblebee (Takara - Movie Advanced)
sgt rvw
AD05 Dinobot Scorn (Takara - Movie Advanced)
sgt rvw
AD06 Crosshairs (Takara - Movie Advanced)
pkg sgt rvw
AD07 Slug (Takara - Movie Advanced)
sgt rvw
AD08 Battle Blade Bumblebee (Takara - Movie Advanced)
sgt rvw
AD09 Protoform Optimus Prime (Takara - Movie Advanced)
inst pkg sgt rvw
AD10 Starscream (Takara - Movie Advanced)
sgt rvw
AD11 Dispensor (Takara - Movie Advanced)
inst pkg sgt rvw
AD12 Revenge Optimus Prime (Takara - Movie Advanced)
sgt rvw
AD13 Devastator (Takara - Movie Advanced)
sgt rvw
AD14 Jolt (Takara - Movie Advanced)
sgt rvw
AD15 Ratchet (Takara - Movie Advanced)
sgt rvw
AD16 Dino (Takara - Movie Advanced)
inst pkg sgt rvw
AD17 Darkside Soundwave (Takara - Movie Advanced)
sgt rvw
AD20 Black Knight Grimlock
inst pkg sgt rvw
AD21 Hound
sgt rvw
AD22 Galvatron
sgt rvw
AD23 Drift (deluxe auto)
sgt rvw
AD24 Strafe
sgt rvw
AD25 Dinobot Slash
sgt rvw
AD26 Lockdown
sgt rvw
AD27 Bumblebee (concept Camaro)
sgt rvw
AD28 Snarl
sgt rvw
AD29 Slog
sgt rvw
AD30 Drift (voyager helicopter)
sgt rvw
Black Knight Scorn
sgt rvw
Black Knight Slug
sgt rvw
Black Knight Strafe
sgt rvw
Dinobot Slug - G1 Color Version
sgt rvw
Evasion Mode Optimus Prime, Rusty Exclusive
inst pkg sgt rvw
Grimlock (G1 color Ver - exclusive)
sgt rvw
Micron Dinobot Exclusives Ivan, Poli, Thunder Lips, Sling sgt rvw
Nemesis Grimlock
sgt rvw
Nemesis Prime
sgt rvw

Assortment #Lost Age - LA**

LA01 Optimus Prime
sgt rvw
LA02 Grimlock
sgt rvw
LA03 Bumblebee
sgt rvw
LA04 Grimlock (1-step)
sgt rvw
LA05 Hound (1-step)
sgt rvw
LA06 Drift (1-step car)
sgt rvw
LA07 Crosshairs (1-step)
sgt rvw
LA08 Dinobot Battle Attack Slash
sgt rvw
LA09 Lockdown (1-step)
sgt rvw
LA10 Dinobot Battle Attack Scorn
sgt rvw
LA11 Dinobot Battle Attack Strafe
sgt rvw
LA12 Stinger
sgt rvw
LA13 Battle Attack Nemesis Prime
sgt rvw
LA14 Battle Command Optimus Prime and Bumblebee Powerhouse Set
sgt rvw
LA15 Battle Attack Grimlock
sgt rvw
LA16 Battle Attack Slug
sgt rvw
LA17 Battle Attack Snarl
sgt rvw
LA18 Battle Attack Galvatron
sgt rvw
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Angry Birds - 2014

[ list all Angry Birds ]

Assortment #Single - Single

Bumblebee Bird
sgt rvw
Galvatron Pig
sgt rvw
Heatwave Bird
sgt rvw
Lockdown Pig
inst pkg sgt rvw
Optimus Prime Bird
inst pkg sgt rvw
Soundwave Pig
sgt rvw

Assortment #Versus - Versus

Bumblebee Bird Blast Launcher w/ Goldbite Grimlock Bird
sgt rvw
Sentinel Prime Bird vs Deceptihog Bludgeon
sgt rvw
Ultra Magnus Bird vs Soundblaster Pig
sgt rvw

Assortment #Jenga Game - Jenga Game

Jenga Bumblebee Game
sgt rvw
Jenga Galvatron Pig
sgt rvw
Jenga Heatwave the Fire-Bot Bird
sgt rvw
Jenga Lockdown Pig
sgt rvw
Jenga Soundwave Pig
sgt rvw

Assortment #Set - Set

Energon Racers Pack (Soundwave Pig, Lockdown Pig, Starscream Pig, Optimus Prime Bird, Grimlock Bird)
sgt rvw
Jenga Optimus Prime Attack Game, w/ Galvatron Pig
sgt rvw
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Transformers (2014) - 2014

[ list all Transformers (2014) ]

Assortment - Legion

Bumblebee (Legion)
sgt rvw
Grimlock (Legion)
sgt rvw
Megatron (Legion)
sgt rvw
Optimus Prime (Legion)
sgt rvw
Starscream (Legion)
sgt rvw
Strafe (Legion)
sgt rvw

Assortment - Titan Warriors

Megatron (Titan Warriors)
sgt rvw
Optimus Prime (Titan Warriors)
sgt rvw
Soundwave (Titan Warriors)
sgt rvw
Starscream (TitanWarriors)
sgt rvw

Assortment - Multi-packs

Protectobots Emergency Response - Streetsmart, Groove, First Aid
sgt rvw
Protectobots Evac Squad two-pack (Protectobot Hot Spot, Protectobot Blades)
sgt rvw

Assortment #Authentics, Titan Changers - Authentics Titan Changers

Super Bumblebee
sgt rvw
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Takara - Legends - 2014

[ list all Takara - Legends ]

Assortment #Legends - Legends

LG01 Rattle (Rattrap)
sgt rvw
LG02 Convoy (Optimus Primal)
sgt rvw
LG03 Tankor
sgt rvw
LG04 Roadbuster
sgt rvw
LG05 Whirl
sgt rvw
LG06 Gelshark (Sky-Byte)
sgt rvw
LG07 Jetfire
sgt rvw
LG08 Swerve & Tailgate
sgt rvw
LG09 Brainstorm
sgt rvw
LG10 Arcee
sgt rvw
LG11 Chromia
sgt rvw
LG12 Windblade
sgt rvw

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